Tuesday, July 27, 1999
Witnesses in the
Dana Ireland trial
Prosecution witnesses
Here are some of the witnesses who have testified in the trial of Frank Pauline Jr., who is accused in the Christmas Eve 1991 murder, rape and kidnapping of Dana Ireland:
July 21
Officer Robert Wagner. The first police officer to arrive at the scene where Dana's wrecked bicycle was found in Vacationland. Wagner testified about the crumpled bicycle and other debris in the area.
Richard Hart. A surfer who knew Dana Ireland. He testified that he saw Dana ride her bicycle past a surfing spot known as Shacks on the afternoon of Dec. 24, 1991.
July 22
Sandy Ireland. Dana Ireland's sister. Sandy, whom Dana was visiting on the Big Island, was one of the first people to arrive on the scene when Dana's bicycle wreckage was found in Vacationland. She testified about the last time she saw Dana.
Mark Evans. Dana's boyfriend. Dana had ridden her bicycle to his house in Opihikao to invite him to dinner. She was riding back to her parents' rental home in Vacationland when she was struck by a car, abducted, raped and left to die. He testified about the last time he saw Dana.
Ricardo Hopkins. Area resident. He testified about finding Ireland's crumpled bicycle. However, prosecutor Charlene Iboshi also asked him about his dark skin -- he said he is Native American -- and showed jurors a picture of a shirtless Hopkins.
Arsenio Julian Jr. Area resident. He testified about a two-car accident he was in near Kapoho on Dec. 24, 1991. Neither prosecution nor defense linked the accident to Ireland.
Anna Sherrell. Area resident. First to call police reporting the Vacationland wreckage. When Sherrell and others saw the wreckage, they began searching for an injured person. They found hair, a watch, a shoe, but no bicyclist. She testified that she saw what she called "acceleration marks" in the cinders, like a driver had deliberately sped up to hit the bicycle. TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO OF SHERRELL'S CALL.
July 26
Denese and Damien (Daniel) Fierro. Area residents. Denese and her son Damien, also known as Daniel, said there were "burnout," or acceleration marks, leading to the bicycle wreckage in Vacationland.
Louise Ireland. Dana Ireland's mother. Louise Ireland was in Vacationland when Dana was on the bike ride. She testified about the last day she spent with her daughter.
Ritch Trenda. A witness who photographed the scene in Vacationland. He described what he saw:"It was pretty evident ... the car tracks swerving over to the side of the road to contact the bicycle. Then the bicycle track turns into a really deep track. And then the bicycle track stops and the car tire tracks keep going."
Kanthi von Guenthner. A Honolulu forensic pathologist. She testified that the gash on Dana Ireland's head could have been produced by a glancing blow from the tip of a tire iron. In statements to police, Pauline said he hit Ireland with a tire iron, intending to kill her.
Alex Franchy. A witness who testified to seeing a blond girl on a bicycle pass Shacks surfing area the afternoon Ireland passed there. Franchy also said Pauline, Albert Ian Schweitzer and Shawn Schweitzer were at the surfing area and left together in Ian Schweitzer's purple Volkswagen after the girl passed. Franchy said that Ian Schweitzer repainted the Volkswagen from purple to yellow after that Christmas because of a dent in the car. He testified Schweitzer told him the dent came from "banging" a dog, but defense attorney Clifford Hunt objected and the testimony was stricken.
July 27
Ida Smith. The Waawaa resident who found Dana Ireland. She testified about hearingthe cries for help, flagging down passing motorists and waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
Peter Teijeiro. The driver of a car flagged down by Smith.Teijero described Ireland as being "really bust up. She looked like someone really beat her up badly. She was in shock already.She didn't know her name."
Officer Harold Pinnow. Sent to the scene of the bicycle wreck in Vacationland. Pinnow later went to the location where Dana Ireland was found in Waawaa.
Sgt. Gabriel Malani. Testified about the Vacationland scene, where Dana Ireland was struck by a vehicle and abducted.
July 28
Johnson Kahili. Ambulance worker who went to the Waawaa scene where Dana Ireland lay injured. He testified that it took 40 minutes for the ambulance to reach Ireland, and said she had a U-shaped gash on her head that revealed her skull.
Reggie Agliam. Nurse in emergency room, he testified that Dana Ireland's blood pressure was so low that it could barely be measured.
Mary Sakanashi. Nursing supervisor at Hilo Hospital. She testified that as Dana Ireland lay dying, hospital staff collected vaginal swabbings.
Warren Sako. Former medical technician at Hilo Hospital. He confirmed the presence of sperm on slides from the vaginal swabbings.
William Chung. Frank Pauline Jr.'s neighbor in December 1991. He said Pauline spoke of the attack in an almost boastful way. But when asked to identify Pauline in the courtroom, he pointed to a state prison guard instead.
Andre Chung.William Chung's brother. He identified Pauline correctly, and the prosecution asked no further questions.
Police Lt. Edwin Tanaka. Showed evidence collected in the case, including the denim shorts Dana Ireland was wearing, a blood-stained T-shirt with the words "Jimmy Z" on it, and the crushed bicycle.
Jim Ingham.Sandy Ireland's husband, he was with Sandy when they came upon the scene of the bicycle wreckage in Vacationland. Later, he saw Dana in the hospital and said she was "in a great deal of pain."
July 29
Steven Dearing. Puna resident who confronted Frank Pauline Jr. and others over the theft of a go-cart. He testified that on the day of the confrontation, Pauline was wearing the T-shirt later found at the crime scene.
Patrick Cullen. Chief investigator for the attorney general's office. He said he was present when police interviewed Frank Pauline Jr. in December 1994, and Pauline admitted hitting Dana Ireland with a tire iron.
Dr. Charles Reinhold. A pathologist at Hilo Hospital, he performed the autopsy on Dana Ireland. He described her injuries and told how swabbings were collected from her body after she died.
Lynn Matthews. Owner of an auto body and painting business. He described the purple Volkswagen Beetle he sold to Albert Ian Schweitzer, another suspect in the case.
Aug. 2
Shayne Kobayashi. A surfer who was at Shacks on the day of the attack. He said he saw a blond woman ride by on a bicycle, and Frank Pauline Jr. and the Schweitzer brothers headed in the same direction she did.
Lt. Paul Ferreira. Drove Frank Pauline Jr. through Puna in 1994 as Pauline showed detectives where Dana Ireland was abucted and abandoned.
Alesia Correa. Demetrio Gonslaves Jr.'s mother-in-law and Vanessa Gonslaves' mother. She said she saw Ian Schweitzer's Volkswagen bug after Christmas Eve, and it had a dent in the fender.
Aug. 3
Vanessa Gonsalves. Wife of Demetrio Gonsalves Jr. and daughter of Alesia Correa. She testified that neighbor Albert Ian Schweitzer owned a Volkswagen bug that her husband previously owned. She testified that after Christmas, she smelled paint and heard spraying at the Schweitzer residence, and later noticed the car was painted a different color.
Charla Figueroa. Frank Pauline Jr.'s former girlfriend and mother of his children. She testified that the blue T-shirt found near Dana Ireland belonged to Pauline. She also said Pauline confessed to her that he had been there when Ireland was attacked.
Louise Furtado. Charla Figueroa's mother. Furtado said she saw Frank Pauline Jr. on the night of Dec. 24, 1991, and he was crying, breathing heavy and had no shirt.She said Pauline later confessed to her that he had been involved in the attack on Dana Ireland.
Herman Moore. An investigator with the attorney general's office. He said he listened as Frank Pauline Jr. confessed to detectives.
Demetrio Gonsalves Jr. Frank Pauline Jr.'s cousin and Vanessa Gonsalves' husband. He said he noticed the Volkswagen had been painted right after Christmas Eve 1991. He also said he came forward with information because he has a daughter of his own, and he felt for the Ireland family. Pauline had an outburst during Gonsalves' testimony.
Shannon Rodrigues. A convicted double murderer who was in prison with Frank Pauline Jr. on Maui. He said Pauline admitted to raping Dana Ireland, but said he didn't kill her.
Jeffrey Alfonso. A convicted drug dealer who once lived with Frank Pauline Jr. He said Pauline admitted to killing Dana Ireland, but said he didn't rape her.
Aug. 4
John Gonsalves. Frank Pauline Jr.'s brother. He said Pauline confessed to him, and he urged his brother to go to police with information on the case.He also said that on Christmas Eve 1991, he heard Pauline and Schweitzers talking about how they had struck a dog with a car.
Aug. 5
Kenneth Baker. An accident reconstruction specialist, he said Dana Ireland was most likely hit by a Volkswagen.
Aug. 9
Audrey Lynch. A special agent with the FBI, she said Dana Ireland's blood had been found on the JimmyZ T-shirt that witnesses linked to Frank Pauline Jr.
Aug. 10-16
Detective Steven Guillermo. Lead investigator on the Dana Ireland murder case. He told the jury about Frank Pauline Jr.'s confessions, and reviewed a sworn statement taken from Pauline.
Defense witnesses
Aug. 12
Robert Fram and Joseph Dizinno. FBI agents who examined hair evidence collected in the case. Dizinno analyzed the hairs and said none of them matched the victim or the suspects.
Aug. 16
Joy Hutson. Attorney for Frank Pauline Jr.'s brother. She testified about a plea agreement the brother, John Gonsalves, had with prosecutors in a 1993 drug case.
Edward Blake. Pioneer in the use of DNAevidence in the courtroom. He testified about finding sperm on an exam sheet where Dana Ireland lay dying
Aug. 17
Lisa Calandro. Forensic scientist who examined the sperm on the sheet. She determined the sperm was not left by any of the suspects in the case.
James Campbell. An engineer from Pahoa who specializes in accident reconstruction. He said a van or pickup truck was involved in the crash with Ireland.
Aug. 18
Frank Pauline Jr. The defendant. He said he made up a confession so he would have leverage to help a brother in legal trouble and to get moved from Halawa prison.
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