
»Kawaiaha'o Church rejects pastor
»Eruption intrigues isle scientists
»Emergency boat gear mandatory
»Group to aid native forest, birds
»Isle firm fined over shark fins
»UHH saves energy costs
»Seat belt scofflaws targeted
»Public invited to Pearl event
»Weekend Scene

late-breaking stories

»What madness!
»Who'll be the Idol?
»Comedy bubbles with fun, surprise
»Performance has grander themes
»UH theologian explores death
»Warriors in waiting
»12 students honored
»Golf: Kono wins
»Chalupsky pulls ahead
»Ace pitching snags win
»Esera moves to offense
»American Savings to appeal tax ruling
»Hawaii at Work

»Every bit helps in traffic problem
»Male golfers shouldn't begrudge females
»Letters to the Editor