
»Harris cools campaign pending court appeal
»Judge cuts mayor some slack
»Royal Guard scrutinized for hiring felon
»Bid to end native Hawaiian funding denied
»Capitol smoking ban extinguished
»Walking may help prevent diabetes
»UH helps student in adversity
»Saturday Waimanalo cleanup
»Independent vendors barred from hula fest
»UH facilities aid fuel-cell research

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Cooking in slow motion
»Exotic road toys in town
»Electric Kitchen

»Same old 'Bows get ready
»Kila Ka'aihue plays without brother
»Wahine focus on Beavers
»Delgado slams Santa Barbara
»Porter breaks HR record

»New airline could add million seats
»Gas dealers lose battle
»Kamehameha's WCI shares hit $165 mil

»Resign-to-run rule should be realistic
»UH faculty strikes a pose for equality
»Editor's Scratchpad
»Letters to the Editor