
»Amfac in bankruptcy
»UH urged to raise stadium fees
»Winging it
»N.Shore clinics in trouble
»Kalihi fire kills 1
»Standoff wrenches McCully
»Traffic-cam problems cost $46K
»Liquor bill aims to protect neighborhoods
»Sua changes mind, gets mistrial
»Audit hits city rule-change delay
»Council gift bill advances
»Kuakini gets faster CT scanner
»Catfish project draws state fine
»Barry Fujii / 1942-2002
»Maui mayor pushes land deal
»Cancer center seeks researchers

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Honor thy mother
»What's hot, what's not

»Blazing paddles
»Mercedes purse up to $5 mil
»Rainbows face revived Anteaters
»Depth key in state wrestling meet
»UH better not look past Trojans
»Barry to coach Willamette
»Wie ready to tee off

»Occupancy down again
»Developer pitches ferry project
»Sia may have bail revoked
»Tax refund deadline near

»Low voter turnout defies explanation
»Girls achieve a discouraging parity
»Editor's Scratchpad
»Letters to the Editor