
»Drivers opting for trial over fine
»Millions in cuts seen by House
»12-year-old Wie in pro golf event
»Kauai farm in tobacco tests
»Felix expert may testify
»Cancer inspires top science project
»UH stadium bid falters
»Family tries banner in search
»Rudy Pacarro dies at 73
»Land swap raises traffic concerns
»Aquarium chief leaving
»HPD sued over shooting
»Musician Lyman dies at 70
»Seniors event to ponder housing
»Educator Mills dies at 89
»Rain, hail bombard Big Isle
»King Street resurfacing to resume

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Pastime passion
»Poets' society lives

»Rainbows go old school
»Carter sets up UH endowment

»JAL to restore flight early
»UAL cuts Hawaii fares
»Fed economist sees improvement
»World Gym buckles
»Navy News bidding reopened
»Arco station hearing heats up
»Aloha Tower land suit survives

»Workers comp law needs refinement
»College not place for remedial learning
»Editor's Scratchpad
»Letters to the Editor