
»Visitor numbers still lag
»Keeping the peace
»Hospitals seek federal help
»Maui may get shark sign
»Blue lights popular, illegal
»Student beating arthritis
»War-remains unit marks anniversary
»GOP in funds squabble
»Rohlfing tapped for federal bench
»Officer cleared in sex assault
»State Hospital report due
»Chancellor hunt has Asia-Pacific angle
»Indictment in anthrax threat case
»Sheriffs cleared in chase death
»Judge seeks Felix inquiry

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Hip to dance square
»Merchant wows 'em

»All-around Atuaia
»MPSF playoff bid rejected
»Aiea advances in OIA soccer

»Hilo docks win port call
»Mainland rescues Schuler net
»Rains hurt Cyanotech earnings
»Kawamoto application rejected
»Shareholders sue Digital Island

»'Speeders' may bring courts to halt
»Consumer wariness must be heightened
»Letters to the Editor
»Editor's Scratchpad