
»State settles oil suit for 1%
»'Bobo' Olson dies at 73
»UH wants Aloha Stadium
»Kapolei abduction a hoax
»More air security, more delays
»Hickam gets readiness test
»OHA wants $20mil from NASA
»Edwin Honda dies at 79
»Gov doubts Harris' complicity
»Community health centers strapped
»Charter schools want own district
»State to pair endangered birds
»Fired doctor sues hospital
»Grant to fund telemedicine

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Voices from the Islands
»Swit joins isle 'Monologues'

»Finally E.Z.
»Seniors gather for MasterCard
»2003 Hula Bowl coaches picked
»'Bows enjoy road success

»BancWest earnings jump
»Smaller PTC gets China boost
»Colliers beefs up Oahu research

»Candor best defense for Harris campaign
»No drastic action needed for tourism
»Editor's Scratchpad
»Letters to the Editor