Thursday, November 25, 1999
Academics vs. football
Kids learn in class, not on playing field
It is a sad day when a football program is regarded as the supreme dictator over academics.Yes, I know I wasn't one of the chosen few who made the football team, but I was a fairly good baseball player at St. Louis. I enjoyed an association with the football team, but I have always remembered the rebuttal: "You're ONLY baseball."
Of course, that's another time and another memory. But, thanks to St. Louis, I have become a better citizen, community member and light for our Savior Christ Jesus
All of this did not come from the football field, but from the faculty and staff at St. Louis.
Wells Cummings
St. Louis School Class of 1971
Via the Internet
Enough speculation about football
The Star-Bulletin's Nov. 20 story said that the Rev. Mario Pariante refused to respond to reports and speculation about conflict with the trustees and Cal Lee, the school's athletic director and football coach. The article implied that the football program was the primary reason for the dismissal of Father Mario.If I am to believe that Cal Lee and the St. Louis football program have the power to affect the dismissal of the school's president, then I also believe in the tooth fairy.
The incident at Las Vegas has been dealt with. Leave it alone.
Andrew T. Leandro
Via the Internet
Board should butt out of president's business
The board of trustees that micromanages St. Louis School needs to come to reality. Since when does it dictate how a president of St. Louis should handle discipline?When they hired someone to do a job, they did so because that person was qualified to do so. Most parents pay to send their sons to that school for the kind of education and discipline that Father Mario was trying to bring back. It was something that was lacking at St. Louis.
Father Mario is a good man and a caring one. While the trustees say he wasn't fired because of conflicts with the football program, all of us who have had sons who attended St. Louis know differently.
Betty Fernandez
Via the Internet
"I just felt so bad for the children.
You could feel the disappointment.
I didn't want them to suffer because
an adult stole money."Rene Mansho
HONOLULU CITY COUNCILWOMAN Who helped raise funds to save a Manoa Pop Warner
football team's trip to Las Vegas after a fund-raising scam
allegedly engineered by one of the players' parents
"It's the last of the old-time
theaters. It's one more link
with the past, leaving."Ed Kuramoto
KAIMUKI RESIDENT AND MOVIEGOER On the closing of the Cinerama Theater on
South King Street to make way
for a retail operation
So much to be grateful for on Thanksgiving
At this time of year, I want to express my thankfulness for several things that we have all too often taken for granted. I'm thankful:
That the Star-Bulletin has been granted a reprieve. I've been a faithful reader for 41 years, and the thought of getting along without my friends -- Bud Smyser, Charley Memminger and David Shapiro, not to mention Dave Donnelly, Peanuts and others who inhabit your pages -- was giving me great pain.
For living in Kailua, as was eloquently expressed in Steven Petranik's "My Turn" column last Saturday.
For the superior public schools that my four children attended and which gave them a fine start toward their education.
For the voice of Jim Leahey, from his sick bed and for giving us play-by-play highlights of our University of Hawaii teams. It just wasn't the same without him!
The weather, beaches, caring people, all contribute to our Aloha State. How lucky can we get?
Ellie Williston
Hawaiians aren't being asked for input on bay
Is anybody listening? How many times do we have to say that we want people who go to Hanauma Bay to be educated and that we want exactly what the Friends of Hanauma want -- except the size of the proposed educational building.There must be a better and more feasible way. You don't need a $10.5-million complex.
Hawaiians were not asked to be on the Hanauma Bay task force, although Cynthia Bond of the city told me she would look into inviting Hawaiian groups to discuss this plan. When?
Beverly J. Palenapa
Government shouldn't decide who gets organs
Regarding those new federal guidelines for distribution of human organ donations: The U.S. government is mandating to whom a harvested organ goes.What if I wish to direct my organ somewhere or to some decision-maker I trust? Instead, the federal government is saying, "No, it must go to whom we determine to be the most needy." Under these conditions, my organs will be buried with the rest of my remains.
I have absolutely no confidence that the U.S. government, exercising value judgment it cannot possibly possess, will be even remotely attuned to my desires.
Besides, what gives the federal government the power to do such a thing? Please don't anyone say the Constitution of the United States. That would turn the intent of the document on its head, not to mention yours and mine.
Richard O. Rowland
Singing engagement brings tears of gratitude
I am a member of the Sounds of Aloha chorus, which took part in the Veterans Day ceremony aboard the USS Missouri. While I was singing, I couldn't stop crying.I felt so proud and grateful to all the veterans who made it possible to have the freedom we have today. We sometimes take these things for granted. Then I listened to the speech given by Rear Adm. John Townes and realized that, without the blood and sacrifice of the veterans, we wouldn't have freedom.
I'd like to thank them for all they have done for us.
Brian Sunha Kim
Via the Internet
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