A review team has been established. Result of first review was the reduction in force (RIF) of 1600 FTE positions. The additional program reductions to be requested via legislation to be introduced in Jan. may result in more RIFs. Attrition will also reduce various programs.
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Campaign statement/promise
"We will start with the Office of the Governor. I have already begun the curtailment of the Governor's Agricultural Coordinating Committee and propose its elimination because its functions should be assumed by the Department of Agriculture."
"Similarly, we do not need a separate Office of International Relations, not because our relationships in a global economy are not important but because its mission can be pursued by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What criteria was used to determine appropriate placements and reassignment of functions?
- Results of review?
- What functions have been eliminated or consolidated?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- 5 administrative departments are candidates to be combined. Reforms must be legislatively approved. Agricultural Coordinating Committee and Office of International Relations have been eliminated. Legislation to combine OCY and OYS, Health Planning and Development Agency and the consolidation of B&F within DIPS.
- Offices eliminated by the Administration include Affirmative Action, and Waipahu and Kaneohe satellites.
- Offices to be consolidated include: 1. Governor's Office, in which we have proposed legislation to abolish the Office of State Planning, Office of Children and Youth, and transfer three other offices attached to the Governor's Office to related agencies. 2. Housing, in which we have proposed legislation to create by abolishing the Hawaii Housing Authority and the Housing Finance Development Corp., and eliminating the housing requirements from the Hawaii Community Development Authority.
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Campaign statement/promise
"I also propose that we review the Office of Children and Youth, the Executive Office on Aging, and Office of Youth Services to determine whether their functions can be absorbed by existing departments."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What criteria was used to determine appropriate placements and reassignment of functions?
- Results of review?
- What functions have been eliminated?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Executive office on Aging and Youth Functions devolved. We have transferred these activities to an appropriate agency, rather than eliminated them entirely from State government.
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Campaign statement/promise
"A thorough review should also be conducted of the many agencies assigned to the principal departments with a view towards elimination or consolidation. As an example, the State Health Planning and Development Agency has not shown over the years that it has been accomplishing its principal objective of controlling the costs of health facilities. Therefore, it should be terminated. Likewise, the program of the Office of Space Industries is no longer viable, and it too should be shut down."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What criteria was used to determine appropriate placements and reassignment of functions?
- Results of review?
- What functions have been eliminated?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- OSI has been eliminated.
- Series of public hearings now under way to get community input regarding elimination of SHPDA
- We have proposed legislation to eliminate SHPDA.
- Review of consolidation of Department of Budget and Finance and the Department of Human Resource Development is in progress.
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Campaign statement/promise
"We will consolidate all separate state housing functions into a Department of Housing whose goals will be based on a singular, coherent housing strategy to produce more affordable rentals and housing for our people."
Cayetano Plan
"With respect to housing, there are now four agencies involved: the Hawaii Housing Authority, Housing Finance and Development Corp., Hawaii Community Development Authority, and Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. I propose that the first three agencies be consolidated into a Department of Housing."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What criteria was used to determine appropriate placements and reassignment of functions?
- Results of review?
- What functions have been eliminated or consolidated?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Legislation will be proposed to accomplish this overall amalgamation into another department.
- Ronald Lim will spearhead efforts to consolidate all of the state's housing functions now in several different departments, including the Hawaii Housing Authority under the Department of Human Services and the Housing Finance and Development Corp. under the Department of Budget and Finance.
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Campaign statement/promise
Establish an Executive Planning Council to develop a common vision for the state with the Governor and four mayors meeting on a regular basis.
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Do counties report improved planning?
- How often do county and state officials meet?
- What qualitative changes were made to improve planning processes between state and counties?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Executive Planning Council has been established and has held at least one meeting.
- Formation of the Executive Planning Council, which will seek to coordinate planning functions of state and county governments.
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Campaign statement/promise
"First, I would increase monitoring of our environmental programs, as well as the number of investigators and attorneys who enforce governmental laws. "
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Percentage increase in staff to monitor programs.
- Percentage increase in enforcement of violations.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Within the Office of State Planning we have established an Environment Coordinating Committee which has actively been meeting to discuss and resolve environmental issues related to regulatory/enforcement issues, resource management issues, education, and planning/policy issues.
- The Environmental Management Division of DOH has suffered a cut of 14 positions. The division hopes to retain as many as 13 of these with federal money.
- Historically, project developers have been subjected to excessive delays waiting for DOH to process clean water permits. This effort has successfully reduced the time needed to receive a permit from the DOH.
- Office of Environmental Quality Control lost two of its seven staff.
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Campaign statement/promise
"Second, I would encourage legislation that allows community groups to recover attorneys fees in lawsuits against both public and private violators of environmental laws, thus encouraging citizen groups to help protect the environment."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Has legislation been proposed for community groups to recover attorneys fees?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
A multi-agency work group has been established to develop draft legislation to allow attorneys fees to be collected by citizen groups in successful suits against polluters. This is a complex issue and must be carefully considered. The current target for introducing legislation is the 1997 legislative session.
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Campaign statement/promise
"Third, I would support the creation of a public intervener to assure compliance with environmental protection and natural resource management laws."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Has public intervenor been established?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- The Attorney General and the Office of State Planning selected an individual to be the Environmental Intervenor. He will begin work in his new capacity on February 1. The Environmental Intervenor will focus on assuring conformance with the state's environmental laws.
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Campaign statement/promise
"Fourth, I would increase funding for environmental programs by designating part of state fuel taxes for environmental protection. I would levy user fees for state parks, nature area reserves, hiking trails and other attractions to offset the impact on these areas. I would tax those who generate hazardous wastes, discharge pollution into our waters, or apply for a conservation district use application, as well as the sale of pesticides to fund the control of environmental pollution."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Portion of state fuel taxes designated for environmental protection.
- User fees established for state parks, nature area reserves, hiking trails, etc.
- Tax levied against those who generate hazardous wastes, discharge pollution into our waters, sale of pesticides, etc.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Administration has initiated a revenue enhancement program involving all departments, much of which is being handled administratively, however, several require legislative changes. Those requiring legislative changes include increasing fees for the licensing of pesticides, assessing user fees for plant import permits, assessing fees to receive certification of selected pest conditions, recovery of costs to administer wastewater program, fees for certain OSHA inspections, examination and training, for recovery of certain administrative costs for tax "comfort" rulings.
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Campaign statement/promise
"Fifth, I support incentives for recycling newsprint, glass and other recyclable materials."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Number of incentive programs to support recycling.
- Percentage change in recycled products.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Release of nearly $2.5 million to help the counties build facilities to control water pollution and maintain a safe and clean environment.
- No new recycling programs were established in the past year. The state administers a glass container advance disposal fee. Over $2 million has been collected and most of the money has been distributed to the counties to support glass recovery and recycling efforts.
- The legislature created a recycling coordinator position in the Office of Solid Waste Management to increase recycling and recovery of valuable material from the waste stream. The Office hopes to fill this position.
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Click here to submit your comments on the environment. Please write "POP" in the subject field of the header. We will publish representative comments as they come in.
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Campaign statement/promise
"You need to develop a strategy for Hawaiian homes. I think that strategy must encompass a few things. One of them is an economic development component that's going to generate revenue in the future for some of the infrastructure you asked me if I'm going to commit to. Some people talk about building 6,000 units for Hawaiian Homes in 4 years. Well, that cannot be achieved unless you take an inventory of the lands and you understand that there's not enough Hawaiian homeland here on Oahu. And so we need to develop a strategy for land exchanges here on Oahu for land on neighbor islands and get this land closer to infrastructure so you can reduce and keep infrastructure costs under control."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Creation of Hawaiian Homes strategic economic development plan.
- Inventory of lands completed.
- Strategy for land exchanges.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- No formal plan/strategy; Department will maximize income through high intensity usage.
- Inventory of lands is ongoing. Survey activities have intensified with focus on public lands being transferred to DHHL.
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Campaign statement/promise
"I think we could do it in the first year we're in office. They're already along the way. I think we need to bring in some very talented people who can speed up the process, people from the private sector in particular...The Department is already embarking on some projects of great promise, like the Lualualei Estates. First time they ever went to a private developer. That's the kind of thing we need to encourage."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Plan completed by end of first year in office.
- Projects initiated.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- With readily developable lands being transferred, DHHL is emphasizing those lands and DHHL is leaning toward awarding the land rapidly instead of going though a lengthy planning process. Larger parcels will need to go through the development plan process.
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Campaign statement/promise
"I think we need to begin on a phase basis. We need to start fairly small. I think if you're talking about fifty, hundred million dollar investment in infrastructure by the second year of the administration after we do all the planning and I think that's achievable. And the State is going to have to put in some General Fund money. It's a question of priorities. And putting the people on homestead land is an important priority to me."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Number of people put on homestead land.
- What percentage of the backlog has been reduced?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- As of June 30, 1995, DHHL has issued 6,093 leases.
- On a monthly average, 175 applications are being accepted. Applications increased by 1,622 in the last fiscal year.
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Campaign statement/promise
"Keeping the Hawaiian language alive is an important part...and I fully support the continuance and expansion of the Hawaiian Immersion Program in the public schools."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Number of schools with Hawaiian immersion programs.
- Percentage of increase in number of schools.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- This activity is included in the Department of Education budget.
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Campaign statement/promise
"We must complete the identification and inventory of ceded lands in preparation for discussions on future disposition of those lands."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Has ceded land been inventoried?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Ceded lands is under the jurisdiction of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
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Campaign statement/promise
"We must also work towards resolving the complex legal questions relating to native Hawaiian water rights."
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Number of agreements reached?
- Has a team or group been assigned to resolve the complex legal question?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
No response
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Campaign statement/promise
"The state must make the commitment to fulfill its Hawaiian homesteads trust obligation. Policies which treat native Hawaiians as dependent wards of the state must be abolished, and replaced with dynamic empowerment alternatives. Along with increased state funding and support for Hawaiian homesteads, the Department of Hawaiian Homelands must have an economic development strategy with its own financial base so that it can make its own decisions and not be dependent on state and federal grants."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Increased state funding for Hawaiian homesteads.
- Economic development strategy and financial base for DHHL.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- If the recent DHHL Land Claims settlement is taken into consideration, funding has increased to $36,241,621 from $6,209,012 in FY '94.
- See strategy listed under Creation of Hawaiian Homes.
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Click here to submit your comments on Hawaiian issues. Please write "POP" in the subject field of the header. We will publish representative comments as they come in.
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Campaign statement/promise
"I do believe that there is a growing long-term care crisis. I believe that ... the state developed a project called Family Hope, ... a long-term care insurance program that I conceptually support. You need to fund it through an individual tax of some kind, just like Social Security, and reduce the personal income tax by (the same amount). So that's a wash."
Citizen's panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Fund Family Hope or a similar project through an individual tax.
- Long-term care strategy.
- Other options proposed and implemented.
- Funding proposals suggested.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Fund not established.
- EOA authorized to establish a Commission to reassess financing for long term-care insurance financing but no funding provided for Commission. No other options under consideration.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"Prevention is very, very high on my list of priorities. I like the idea of incentives [for employers who institute wellness programs for their employees]. But certainly tax incentives to encourage this kind of management, I think, is something that I would be favorably inclined to."
Citizen's panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Tax incentives for wellness programs proposed.
- Prevention programs established.
- Projected cost benefits.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
No response
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"I support well-baby and prenatal programs and I support early childhood care and education to help build healthy happy babies and strong families."
Citizen's panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Well-baby and prenatal programs maintained and expanded.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
Programs have been kept at a maintenance level, partly due to coverage by private insurers and the Quest program. Cuts in some programs and perhaps limiting expansion have been in this area.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"We must continue to fund increased staffing at the State Hospital not because the courts [mandated] it, but because it is the right thing to do."
Citizen's panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Percentage increase in staffing at State Hospital.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Under Consent decree mandate, 32 nursing positions added in past year. 32 more mandated by Nov. 1, 1995.
- These positions have been filled.
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Campaign statement/promise
"One of My Top Priorities."
Stress the prevention side with early counseling and support.
POP '94 Interview
Increase resources for community support programs and shelters.
The Cayetano Plan
"A goal worth working to:" Why the spouse and children must leave the family home and the abuser is allowed to stay.
POP '94 Interview
Support legislation prohibiting persons from possessing a firearm or ammunition if they are being restrained by a District Court or domestic protective order.
Provide better control of abusers through enforcement/counseling.
The Cayetano Plan
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Percentage change in the number of cases.
- Resources increased for programs and shelters.
- Feedback on the success of the programs.
- Support firearm legislation.
- Establish new counseling programs for abusers.
- Legislation proposed.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- DHS does not track cases. Only known resource is the Hotline 531-3771. Did not obtain info.
- Released $2.8 million to Hawaii's four counties to support their Victim/Witness Assistance and Career Criminal Prosecution Programs.
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Campaign statement/promise
"The best way to fight crime is to spend money on prevention. Investing our scarce resources upfront for education and family services means that we pay less at the back end for crime and welfare."
The Cayetano Plan
Increase resources for drug/alcohol treatment and counseling programs.
Develop an anti-drug campaign similar to the successful anti-smoking campaign.
POP '94 Interview & Advertiser
"We need to deal with the problem of drugs. My position dealing with the drug problem is to focus on education and prevention. I think we should approach the drug problem in the same way we approach smoking."
POP '94 Interview
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Increase resources for drug/alcohol treatment and counseling programs.
- Develop an anti-drug campaign.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- No new programs.
- Plans to expand the drug treatment program at the Waiawa Correctional Facility on Oahu by 160 to 200 beds. Will ease prison overcrowding and improve the rehabilitation of drug offenders.
- Released $295,000 to reduce overcrowding at the Women's Community Correctional Center by placing 20 inmates in a residential substance abuse program.
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Campaign statement/promise
"We cannot build ourselves out of the crime problem. If we attempt to do so, we will only compound the problem. This 'solution' can only create more poorly educated children, who will find that their only escape from their inability to function within the system is crime."
The Cayetano Plan
"I do not support building of prisons."
POP 94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Develop cost-effective alternative correction programs.
- Percent reduction in costs.
- Have new prisons been built or planned?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- State moved 300 inmates to Texas to reduce costs and overcrowding.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"sufficient quantities of properly zoned land for housing."
"...consolidate all separate state housing functions into a Department of Housing, whose goals will be based on a singular, coherent housing strategy to produce more affordable rentals and housing for our people."
"We will avoid regulations which contain housing design, subdivision layout and housing densities that give developers no flexibility in their efforts to build affordable housing."
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Annual number of acres redistricted Urban by the State Land Use Commission.
- Decrease in "average" conversion time of land from Agriculture designation to Urban district designation.
- Departmental consolidation completed.
- Housing strategy formulated.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- There have been no petitions for redistricting.
- Departmental consolidation proposal is completed.
- Legislation to be proposed to consolidate.
- The proposal is complete and before the Legislature.
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Campaign statement/promise
"...streamline and refine the functions of the Land Use Commission to make decisions in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays and costs to housing developers."
Indicators of whether promise kept
- By what amount of time was the average permit processing time reduced?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
Act 235 requires the Land Use Commission to render a decision within one year from the date of filing of a petition. The previous requirement was to render a decision in 120 days after the close of the hearing. There was no legal requirement that the process must conclude within a certain time frame.
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Campaign statement/promise
"...focus on self-help 'owner-builder' programs" for DHHL clients.
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Development of infrastructure for self-help housing.
- Development of guidelines facilitating self-help guidelines.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- 46 houses in progress.
- 62 houses in planning stage.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"We must restore faith in government. And we will begin by reaffirming our belief that government must serve and not be served. As your Governor, I will lead by example as I have over my 20 years in public service. And my cabinet will follow my lead, making it clear to all who serve in my administration that cronyism and corruption will not be tolerated. There is no room for those in my administration who violate this standard."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What new policies and procedures have been implemented to address the issue.
- Decrease in complaints to Ethics Commission.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Governor's priority is to restore public confidence in government by making leaders and actions more accountable. He is doing this by being more open about what government is doing. Cronyism is being addressed as Governor raises questions and then asks the attorney general to look into past practices, i.e. land deal at Hawaii Raceway Park. When accepting an appointment to the cabinet, individuals know the Governor's philosophy. He follows through by giving them responsibility and holds them accountable.
- Canceled non-bid contract with D.C. law firm negotiating aviation issues with the federal government. Gov. Waihee works for firm.
- Decrease in complaints is not a good indicator.
- Act 10, 1995 allows Commission to censure or fine. Changes allow administrative fines without intent. Doing audits in campaign headquarters beginning in 1995. "Code of Fair Campaign" practices.
- Give independent guidance and counsel, pursue wrongdoing by government officials, and represent the interests of the public. Attorney general should be accountable, independent and effective.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"To allay the public's concern about cronyism and corruption in government, we will establish a Public Integrity/White Collar Crime Unit in the Attorney General's Office to fairly and vigorously enforce the law."
State of the State Address
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Has a Public Integrity/White Collar Crime Unit been established?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Act 10, 1995 HB2094 allows the Commission to censure or fine. Changes allow administrative fines without intent. Auditing campaign headquarters in 1995. "Code of Fair Campaign Practices." See attached.
- A white collar crime unit has been created within the AG's office.
- Department of Taxation is currently investigating other violations of the tax laws.
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Campaign Statement/Promise
"I set the example personally, I bring in people who understand what my standards are. And then if they violate those standards, that they're either going to be dismissed, or if they transgress the standards by breaching the law, they will [be] prosecuted."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Campaign spending code violators censored, dismissed or prosecuted.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Bill HB 1873 H.D.1 and SB 1789 S.D.1 are pending and establish a public integrity and white collar crime unit.
- Campaign spending commission changed its administrative rules.
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Campaign statement/promise
"I think I'm the only gubernatorial candidate -- at least one of the so-called major ones -- to have agreed to stick with the campaign spending limit. I've agreed to that...I'm not sure how you define special interest, but I think the disclosure to the public of...who gives us money is a good way to make sure that we act in the public's best interest. And so we have disclosed everything that we have brought in."
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- Evidence of personal adherence to Campaign Spending Commission guidelines.
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- There is no way to evaluate at the present time.
- Cayetano filed for public funds which meant he also agreed to a ceiling on spending. Cayetano's TV ads included a stage which requested donations to the Cayetano campaign. Ads were claimed as fundraising expenses and not attributed to campaign costs for which he promised not to exceed a certain ceiling. The Commission is currently looking at this practice.
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Campaign statement/promise
"As far as campaign spending reform, I have some ideas, a few ideas. I think that we should consider doing what the federal government does, and that is to prohibit all corporations from giving campaign contributions. "
POP '94 Citizens Panel
Indicators of whether promise kept
- What kind of campaign spending reforms has been proposed?
- To what extent are legislative bills which tighten requirements for corporate contributions supported?
Governor's statement on results/action taken
- Campaign Spending Commission is rewriting administrative rules Omnibus bill signed after special session.
- Corporate giving is still permitted in law. 11-204(f)
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