Think about gas cap next time you vote
I'm a registered Democrat. However, the Democratic passing of the
gas cap law really has me scratching my head. Is it arrogance or ignorance? Or is it both? I know our Democratic leaders are smart people. They were smart enough to get elected, right? To say they are looking out for the consumer's best interest, but at the same time ignoring time-proven market forces and basic economics, would lead me to believe it's simply arrogance on their part.
It's simple to inform the uninformed, but it's dangerous when arrogance leads. Let's think about this next time we vote.
Ernesto Jose
Why insist on parking close to the door?
In all the ways to cut down on gasoline use, there is one obvious one I don't see mentioned: You don't have to park right at the entrance to the supermarket, not unless you're handicapped. When your car is blocking a lane, with the engine running, and probably the air conditioning on full blast, waiting for someone to move out of a stall, you're getting zero miles to the gallon and forcing everyone behind you to do the same while filling the air with noxious fumes.
Park on the far side of the lot and you zip right in, maybe even get to park in the shade, and get a nice little walk from your car and back again.
I wonder how many of those who don't want to walk and insist on the nearest stall to the store pay strict attention to their health once they're inside, buying the foods with the least calories and cholesterol.
Russ Lynch
Dems, Republicans fail at disaster preparation
As I watched the reporting on Hurricane Katrina, the evacuations and the unavailability of shelter areas in and around Louisiana, I became painfully aware that across our country at the city, state and federal level, we are not prepared for major disasters of the natural or manmade variety.
Everyone who is anyone in government including high military officials have warned that we are in for a major terrorist attack in the not too distant future and yet we are not prepared. Our roads cannot handle large evacuations. Our schools are falling down and were not originally built with the dual purpose of security and shelter in mind, and our other public and private buildings fare no better. We have so much to do to prepare this country and yet pork barrel spending prevails in this administration and on both ends of our political spectrum.
We need to kick the bums out of office, whether Democrat or Republican, and put people in who are willing to do the right things with no regard for their own political future, prepare ourselves to survive whatever the future brings and trust God Almighty.
Kenneth L. Barker
City should be more friendly to pedestrians
In the beginning, there were pedestrians. Then came the cars and, with them, vehicular homicide and maiming.
Honolulu has some of the worst traffic lights and white lines for directing vehicles and pedestrians in the United States.
Allow me to suggest some pointers. What happened to delayed signals to give pedestrians a running start before the vehicles squeal out of their starting blocks? Why in the world do you put the white lines so close to the slanted lines where the people are supposed to walk? They are supposed to be at least 6, 7, 8 or even 10 feet away from the little legs of the people. Furthermore, what happened to blinking yellow caution lights at pedestrian crossings?
Allow me to remind and strongly suggest to our Democratic city government that the people need resting places, like tree-lined parks with benches with backs on them to rest while they go about pedestrianing. Instead of giving out more permits for apartment buildings to increase congestion, more space needs to be made for parks and churches. (I mean Christian churches.)
Gualberto Meledez
Fans near and far
react to Ewa Beach's
Little League championship
Winning team proves dreams can come true
Congratulations to the fine young men on
winning the Little League World Series Championship. We were rooting for you all the way from Michigan and we are so happy for you. Congratulations also to all of the parents and volunteers who lead these kids and showed them that they can achieve anything and their dreams can come true. It was a joy watching them. Enjoy your victory!
Neil and Linda Kreamalmeyer
Vicksburg, Mich
Every player showed true spirit of the game
Congratulations to the Ewa Beach Little League baseball team that won the World Championship on Sunday. That was a gritty comeback by a well-coached team that provided wonderful moments during the entire tournament.
I am a youth baseball coach in Minnesota (11- and 12-year-olds), and every team in that competition demonstrated how the game should be played. Your coaches, players and fans were a joy to see and I'm glad for your victory -- my son and I were cheering you on in a big way. Thanks for bringing that championship back to America!
Chuck Lennon
St. Paul, Minn
Parents should feel proud of their sons
Congratulations to the 2005 12-year-old Little League World Series Champions from Ewa Beach Little League All-Star team. Each and every one of you is a true champion, both as ball players and as classy young men. When your season began months ago, you may well have been 11- and 12-year-old boys, but how you have conducted yourselves throughout the World Series has displayed that despite your ages, you certainly deserve to be called "young men." Your conduct and positive attitudes fare well for your parents and families, as it is obvious that it is from them that you have learned these attributes. Parents, feel proud of your children, and of yourselves for teaching them so well.
Each year, millions of kids around the world dream of making it to Williamsport. Unfortunately, only a small number of those can get there. Your dream came true. This is something you can cherish your entire lives. Even so, this is only the beginning for each of you. You have proved to yourselves that once you set your sights on a goal, through hard work and determination these goals are attainable. So, if sometime in the future things seem a little tough and not quite going your way, just remember this game and how you had to fight back to win it. Use that same "game" determination to overcome any obstacles in life. You can do it because you have already shown you are winners.
Enjoy your victory. Enjoy playing ball. Enjoy being yourselves. And, most of all, just have fun and enjoy being young.
Once again, congratulations and Aloha.
Bill Gray
Kissimmee, Fla
Former manager/coach Ypsilanti (Mich.) National Little League, Senior Division
Short but sweet message says enough
Go, Ewa Beach!
Donald Dean
Bradenton, Fla
Ewa Beach coach is a real class act
I lived in Hawaii for seven years and now live in Louisiana. For the last week I have been cheering for the Ewa Beach Little League team, even when they played Lafayette, La. Sunday's game was a nail-biter and I almost didn't get to see the end due to the hurricane news. Good thing ESPN carried the last inning. What impressed me most about the boys was that no matter what the score was or what was happening, they had smiles and genuinely looked happy to just be playing baseball. The greatest moment to me, however, was when coach Layton Aliviado walked out to Quentin Guevara after a bad call, and didn't argue with the ump, but showed his faith in his pitcher and told him "no problem." Being a father and a coach myself, I can say that Aliviado is one CLASS ACT!! And his team can play some amazing ball!
Ben Chavarria
Bossier City, La.
Sportsmanship, fun -- that's what it's about
Did anyone else get da kine chicken skin Sunday morning, while watching the Little League World Series?
What a great game and such a class act by the Ewa Beach baseball team! They showed focused drive and determination, while displaying true sportsmanship. All this while still having fun!
No whining about bad calls, no big league money or contract woes here, just pure love of the game. It's the way baseball is supposed to be played.
The coaches and team can be proud of the way they represented their community, state and country, but especially themselves. This accomplishment is something they'll cherish forever. Ho'omaika'i!
Dennis O'Donnell
Haiku, Maui
Pitcher's warrior spirit will take him far
Ewa Beach, you are the "Cheers" of Hawaii nei. Strong work and great fortitude. Great coaching and well-trained athletes, just AWESOME! To the first baseman Layson Aliviado, your smiles were contagious and despite the umpire's error you guys hung tough and Vonn Fe'ao went SUPERMAN with 101 mph fastballs. Ho! That was simply INCREDIBLE!
We enjoyed thoroughly your U.S.A and World Championships in 2005. Vonn Fe'ao, your strength, intelligence, passion, charisma and warrior spirit will take you far -- consider law school or medicine in the future when you are done with professional baseball or football. You have the strength and passion of great leaders. Thank you, Ewa Beach, for representing all of Hawaii's splendor to the world.
Peter AhChing ohana
Hawaii team made Texas-size comeback
We just finished watching the Little League World Series and wish to congratulate Hawaii for winning the championship! You have not only made your state proud, but you have made the whole country proud! We always say things are bigger in Texas, but nothing was bigger than your comeback win.
The coaches and players showed great class and spirit. As the saying goes, "Never underestimate the heart of a champion!"
Cheryl Vera
Houston, Texas

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