Robert Hagemu Aoki
July 26, 2005
Robert Hagemu "Bob" Aoki, 78, of Hilo, a retired Young Brothers employee and U.S. Army veteran who served in World War II, died in Hilo Medical Center. He was born in Hilo. He is survived by wife Ellen, daughters Phyllis Arrington and Shelley Ishimoto, and four grandchildren. Services: 5 p.m. Sunday at Dodo Mortuary. Call after 3:30 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers. No monetary offerings. Donations suggested to Arthritis Foundation or Kidney Foundation of Hawaii.
Gilbert F. Arreola
July 17, 2005
Gilbert F. Arreola, 41, of Wahiawa, died at home. He was born in Ilocos Sur, the Philippines. He is survived by mother Leonora F. Pantallon; brothers Silvestre Jr. and Danilo; and sisters Estrelita Camaro, Clarita Cabo, Leticia Mendoza, Edna Concepcion and Juvy Reyes. Burial: 2 p.m. Saturday at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.
The Rev. Rodney S. Asano Sr.
July 29, 2005
The Rev. Rodney S. Asano Sr., 88, of Honolulu, a retired Apostolic Faith Church pastor, died in the Convalescent Center. He was born in Wailua. He is survived by sons Rodney Jr., Leonard Sr. and Mayson Sr.; brother Richard; 13 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. Remembrance: 7 p.m. tomorrow at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 6 p.m. Services: 11:30 a.m. Friday at the mortuary. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: 2 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Casual attire.
Veneranda Acorda Bulosan
July 25, 2005
Veneranda Acorda Bulosan, 81, of Kahului, a Maui Pineapple Co. trimmer, died at home. She was born in Bacarra, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines. She is survived by husband Remegio B.; children Lisa Pascual, Carmen Duran, Raymond Bulosan and Nancy Marvin; sister Veronica Mamuad; nine grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday at Borthwick/Norman's Mortuary. Call after 6 p.m. Mass: 10 a.m. Saturday at Christ the King Church. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 12:30 p.m. at Maui Memorial Park.
Sidney Corlin
July 24, 2005
Sidney Corlin, 88, of Waipahu, died in Honolulu. He was born in Illinois. No survivors. Private services.
Lynette Kaliko Crozier
July 31, 2005
Lynette Kaliko Crozier, 63, of Makakilo, a Sears, Roebuck and Co. microwave oven demonstrator and Department of Education kupuna at Mauka Lani Elementary School, died. She also was a EnaLyn's Catering owner and Hawaiian Dredging Co., Inc. employee. She was born in Anahola, Kauai. She is survived by husband Michael; son Daniel "Pomaikai" Kaniaupio-Crozier; daughter Kimberly Evans; father the Rev. Gilbert Williams; brothers Gilbert Jr., Richard "Kunane" and Samuel "Kaleo" Williams; and five grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Aug. 11 at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 5 p.m. Committal services: 1 p.m. Aug. 12 at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. Aloha attire.
Bessie Freitas
July 14, 2005
Bessie Freitas, 72, of Honokaa, Hawaii, a homemaker, died in Hale Hoola Hamakua. She was born in Hawaii. She is survived by brother Manuel N. Jr.., sisters Adeline F. Cordeiro and Irene F. Perreira and caregivers Mabel Freitas and LeRoy Cordeiro. Mass: 11 a.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Honokaa Catholic Church. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to follow at Kalopa Cemetery. Casual attire.
Gary John Hahn
July 21, 2005
Gary John Hahn, 63, of Honolulu, a retired real estate broker, died. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Laurine "Toyo"; sons Lance, John and Burton; daughters Heather Speckman, Tracy Hahn-Mamuad and Jaime Hahn; and brother Harvey. Services: 3 p.m. Sunday at Nuuanu Memorial Park and Mortuary. Call after 2 p.m. Inurnment: 10:30 a.m. Monday at the mortuary. Casual attire.
Sandra Etsuko Harrison
July 26, 2005
Sandra Etsuko Harrison, 57, of Honolulu, a state Central District resource teacher, died at home. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by sons Braderik and Brian, daughter Bonnie Wooderson, father Tadao Fukuda, mother Kinue Fukuda and sister Faye E. Fukuda. Services: 9 a.m. Sunday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after 8 a.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
Riyoji Hirokawa
July 27, 2005
Riyoji Hirokawa, 83, of Lihue, a retired Lihue Plantation sugar broiler, died in Garden Isle Health Care. He was born in Kapaia, Kauai. He is survived by wife Laura; sons Kent, Donald and Craig; daughter Lynne Hilacion; sister Hideko Koigawachi; two grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Private services.
Sumie Kalohi
July 28, 2005
Sumie Kalohi, 80, of Kaneohe, a retired seamstress, died in Aloha Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Nagoya, Japan. She is survived by sons Joseph A., David K. and Walter K.; daughter Kay L. Marzan; brothers Kinichi Nunome and Saburo Kato; sister Chieko Nawa; and six grandchildren. Services: 3 p.m. Friday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after 2 p.m. Aloha attire. Incorrect information was given in an obituary Monday.
Toyoko Kaneshiro
July 29, 2005
Toyoko Kaneshiro, 95, of Keaau, Hawaii, a homemaker, died in Life Care Center of Hilo. She was born in Olaa, Hawaii. She is survived by sons Charles, Thomas, James and Harold; daughter Hiroko Fujioka; sister Shigeyo Hirata; four grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Private services.
Shigeji Kunishige
July 18, 2005
Shigeji Kunishige, 88, of Kahului, a carpenter, died in Kahului. He was born in Hana, Maui. He is survived by brothers Kunichi, Kazuso, Melvin and Yoshio; and sisters Mildred Murai, Eileen Shiroma, Janice Chun, Karen Kim and Helen Mimura. Private services.
Frank Lee
July 29, 2005
Frank "Ah Boy" Lee, 85, of Pauoa, a retired Department of Transportation Airports Division employee, died in Hale Pulama Mau. He was born in North Kohala, Hawaii. He is survived by wife Violet Acedillo; children Naomi Midbrod, Carrie Wong, Adelina Pale, Lorraine Chew, Winona Pavo and Elaine Pahio and Clarence and Aladino Baijo and Anthony and Margery Macadangdang; brothers Johnny L. Pau and Hilarian Jonolino; sisters Margaret Espiritu, Helen Castilleo and Minnie Sanchez; 19 grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren. Services: noon Saturday at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2124 Pauoa Road. Burial: 3 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Harue Matsumoto
July 9, 2005
Harue Matsumoto, 89, of Kalaoa, Kona, Hawaii, a homemaker, died in Kona Community Hospital. She was born in Hilo. She is survived by sons Edward, James and Warren; daughter Eileen; brother Mako Nakamura; sister Betsy Mori; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Kona Daifukuji Soto Mission in Honalo, Hawaii. Call after 10 a.m. Luncheon to follow. Casual attire.
Santos Socias Mercado
July 10, 2005
Santos Socias "Sonny" Mercado, 84, of Honolulu, a hotel worker, died at home. He was born in the Philippines. He is survived by son Mario, daughter Socorro "Sherry" and six grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Saturday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: 1 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.
Glenn Susumi Motonaga
July 28, 2005
Glenn Susumi Motonaga, 90, of Hilo, a retired Fred L. Waldrons employee, Jack's Tours tour guide and Kodokan Judo Federation instructor, died in Life Care Center of Hilo. He was born in Hakalau, Hawaii. He is survived by wife Kiyomi, son Gary, daughter Amy Rider and four grandchildren. Services: 5 p.m. Friday at Dodo Mortuary in Hilo. Call after 4 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.
John Hopeni Nahinu Sr.
July 18, 2005
John Hopeni Nahinu Sr., 62, of Waialua, a Waialua Sugar Co. and city employee, died in Wahiawa General Hospital. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Gloria; sons John Jr.,, David, Milton and Kaniala; daughters Nadine Pactol and Jolynn Davis; brothers Eugene Nahinu and Ruben Baggayan; sisters Moana Nahinu, Elizabeth Long, Floretta Volkening and Cecilia Nunies; and 11 grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Saturday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 6 p.m. Casual attire.
Alejandro Naungayan
July 28, 2005
Alejandro "Al" Naungayan, 73, of Kapaau, Hawaii, a retired nursery worker for Kohala Nursery, died in Kohala Hospital. He was born in Kohala, Hawaii. He is survived by wife Evangeline S.; brothers Roosevelt and Elpidio Naungayan and Fred and Maximo Guitang; and sisters Belina Galigo and Polly Fernandez. Mass: 11 a.m. Saturday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial to follow at Hawi Catholic Cemetery. Casual attire.
Presentacion Honorita Resurreccion
July 29, 2005
Presentacion Honorita Resurreccion, 62, of Lanai City, died in Straub Clinic & Hospital. She was born in Bacarra, the Philippines. She is survived by husband Agustin; sons Elbert, Lester and Roland; mother Teodora Viloria; brothers Andy, Tony and Perry Viloria; sisters Venancia and Patrocinia Magaoay and Constancia Acierto; and three grandchildren. Visitation: all night Friday at ILWU Hall in Lanai City. Call after 5 p.m. Services: 7 p.m. Mass: 10 a.m. Saturday at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial to follow at Lanai Cemetery. Casual attire.
George Kazuo Saito
July 2, 2005
George Kazuo Saito, 77, of Westminister, Calif., a retired West Covina High School teacher, died. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by brother Harry and sisters Elsie Kurashige and Leatrice Onaga. Private services.
Mabel Lin Tai Chu Tom
July 24, 2005
Mabel Lin Tai Chu Tom, 90, of Honolulu, died in St. Francis-West Hospice. She was born in Waimea, Kauai. She is survived by sons Donald, Dennis and Douglas Chu; daughter Darlene Wakita; sisters Irene Kau and Geraldine Clark; 14 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren. Services: 10:45 a.m. Saturday at Diamond Head Mortuary. Call after 9:30 a.m. Burial to follow at Diamond Head Memorial Park. Casual attire. No flowers. Incorrect information was given in an obituary Monday.
Sugiko Torii
July 27, 2005
Sugiko Torii, 71, of Honolulu, a retired Duty Free Shoppers employee in Waikiki, died in Ann Pearl Nursing Facility. She was born in Tokoyama, Japan. She is survived by sons Yong and Jae Park, daughters Young S. and Susan Park, and a grandchild. Inurnment services: 10:30 a.m. Friday at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl. No flowers.
Ruth Ann Smith Ward
July 17, 2005
Ruth Ann Smith Ward, 87, of Clackamas, Ore., a Department of Education elementary school teacher, died at home. She was born in Lander, Wyo. She is survived by children Caroline W. and Stephen B. Ward and Sally W. Wright; and six grandchildren. Services: 5:30 p.m. Nov. 15 at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Parke chapel. Inurnment to follow. Casual attire. Donations suggested to Kapahulu Library.
Andrew Kaonohi Mee Wah Watson
July 28, 2005
Andrew Kaonohi Mee Wah Watson, 71, of Nanakuli, a Vacations Hawaii tour escort and retired Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard crane operator, died in Kaiser Medical Center. He also was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Rochelle "Tina"; sons Andrew, Aaron, Aljon and Aina; daughter Roxanne "Hoku" Hoohuli; 13 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Services: 4:30 p.m. Sunday at Bernice Pauahi Bishop Memorial Chapel. Call after 3 p.m. Burial: Monday at Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, Kaneohe. Aloha attire.
Margaret Ng Wong
July 26, 2005
Margaret Ng Wong, 81, of Honolulu, died in Maluhia Long Term Care Health Center. She was born in Honolulu. She is survived by sons Michael, James Jr. and Timothy; daughter Dolores Tucker; brothers Larry, Peter and John Ng; sisters Mary Wong and Julia Lee; 11 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. Services: 11:30 a.m. Monday at Diamond Head Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to follow at Diamond Head Memorial Park. Casual attire.

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