
Woman’s death
still a mystery

An autopsy of a body found
buried does not rule out murder
or an overdose of "ice"

She wore a ring on her right pinkie, a red hair tie on her left wrist and her nails were painted pink.

But what caused the death of a 20-year-old Palama woman, whose partially buried body was found Dec. 11 near Sunset Beach on an experimental sheep farm, remains a mystery.

The city chief medical examiner found toxic levels of methamphetamine in the body of Jamie Pablico-Davis, who had a history of crystal methamphetamine use, but could not rule out the possibility of murder.

Chief Medical Examiner Kanthi De Alwis wrote in her Jan. 18 autopsy report that although Pablico-Davis might have died from toxic levels of methamphetamine and her body might have later been disposed of by partial burial, she could not rule out suffocation since the body was already in the advanced stages of decomposition.

De Alwis concluded that the manner and cause of death could not be determined.

The body was discovered in an area grazed by sheep on the University of Hawaii's Waialee Livestock Research Farm at 58-160 Kamehameha Highway.

De Alwis found no traumatic injuries to the body, but could not exclude foul play.

Pablico-Davis might have died Dec. 6, but she could have died earlier.

Homicide detectives are continuing their investigation into the case after receiving the results of the Jan. 18 autopsy report.

"We can't really rule out anything at this point," police Detective Kathy Osmond said.

The autopsy revealed Pablico-Davis was not pregnant, despite reports by acquaintances that she visibly appeared to have been.

Pablico-Davis left behind a 15-month-old daughter named Emary.

Hisae Davis, Pablico-Davis' mother, is caring for her granddaughter and hopes to adopt her. "She's the only person that was close to my daughter," Davis said.

Vince DeBina, Recreation Division director at Palama Settlement, coached Pablico-Davis and her sister in hockey when they were youngsters.

"During the time I knew her, she was a good girl," he said. "After the eighth or ninth grade, I didn't see them.

"Then, about six or seven months ago, they came back," he said. "They were homeless, living on the streets, and I was very surprised. I told them to go to IHS (Institute for Human Services)."

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