Pedestrians roam the sidewalk near the Sheraton Moana Surfrider in Waikiki. Hawaii tourism officials are crafting a strategic vision for the industry and will seek public comment soon.
Forging a grand
scheme for tourism
A preliminary state tourism plan emphasizes concern for natural and cultural resources, safety and access.
Members of the state Hawaii Tourism Authority met yesterday to begin retooling the state's "Ke Kumu: Strategic Directions for Hawaii's Visitor Industry," which was last updated in 2002.
The new vision, which is designed to manage the state's visitor industry through 2015, identifies nine initiatives, including marketing, tourism product development, natural resources, Hawaiian culture, access, safety and security, communications and outreach, research and planning, and work force development.
Among the state's tourism marketing goals are to increase visitor spending, diversify Hawaii's tourism market and develop new products such as sports or cultural events.
The state's environmental goals include increased funding for the maintenance and preservation of natural resources. The state plan also discusses offering financial incentives to private landowners so that they will open their private resources to the public.
Cultural goals include developing certification for tour operators as well as creating other opportunities to educate the public about the state's Hawaiian and multi-ethnic cultures.
The draft, which is based on surveys and meetings with residents and members of the tourism industry, will soon be available for public review. Comments will be used to shape the plan's final version, which will be completed by the end of the year.