a bus strike
Taxicabs will offer jitney
service along 8 bus routes
Anywhere from 50 to 100 taxicabs will be traveling along eight bus routes from Pearlridge to Waikiki from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in a jitney service.
The cabs will pick up and drop off passengers only at bus stops along the routes. The cost is $3 per person, per ride. The service will not run on a regular schedule.
The jitney service routes are:
Westbound (Ala Moana Center to Makiki): Kona, left on Mahukona, Kaheka, left on Rycroft, right on Keeaumoku, left on Nehoa to terminus opposite Lewalani (fronting Roosevelt High School).
Eastbound (Makiki to Ala Moana Center): From Nehoa opposite Lewalani, makai on Nehoa, left on Prospect, right on Pensacola, left on Kapiolani, right on Keeaumoku, left on Kona to Ala Moana Center urban terminus.
Westbound (Monsarrat/ Kalakaua to Ala Moana Center-Keeaumoku): Monsarrat, left on Paki, left on Kapahulu, right on Kuhio, left on Olohana, left on Kalakaua, right on Saratoga, right on Kalia, left on Ala Moana, right on Piikoi, right on Kona.
Eastbound (Ala Moana Center-Keeaumoku to Monsarrat/Kalakaua): Kona, right on Mahukona, right on Atkinson, left on Ala Moana, right on cut-off fronting Waikikian Hotel, left on Ala Moana, right on Kalia, left on Saratoga, Kalaimoku, right on Kuhio, right on Kapahulu, left on Kalakaua, left on Monsarrat.
Eastbound (Ala Moana Center-Keeaumoku to Paki/Kapahulu): Regular eastbound route to Monsarrat/Kalakaua, continue on Monsarrat, left on Paki.
Westbound (Kalihi Uka to Kalihi Valley Homes): Kalihi, left on Likelike, Kalihi, right on Nimitz, right on Mokauea, left on King, right on Middle, School, left on Kam IV, left on makai entrance to Kalihi Valley Homes, mauka on Kalena.
Westbound (Kalihi Uka to Mokauea/King Shuttle): Kalihi, left on Likelike, Kalihi, right on King, left on Mokauea.
Westbound (Kalihi Uka to Kalihi Facility): Kalihi, left on Likelike, Kalihi, right on Dillingham, Kam, right on Middle, right on makai entrance to the Kalihi Facility, left on U-turn to "East bus stop," unload.
Eastbound (Kalihi Valley Homes to Kalihi Uka): Exit from mauka end, right on Likelike, right on Kam IV, right on School, Middle, left on King, right on Mokauea, left on Nimitz, left on Kalihi, Likelike, Kalihi to Ahuahu Place, reverse into Ahuahu, right on Kalihi to terminus makai of Iwaho Place.
Eastbound (Mokauea/King to Kalihi Uka Shuttle): From Mokauea/King, makai on Mokauea, left on Dillingham, left on Kalihi, Likelike, right on Kalihi to Ahuahu Place, reverse into Ahuahu, right on Kalihi, to terminus makai of Iwaho Place.
Eastbound: From Waipahu Transit Center, right on Mokuola, left on Farrington, left on Paiwa, right on Lumiaina, right on Kamehameha, right on Lumiauau, left on Lumiaina, left on Paiwa, right on Farrington, right on Mokuola, left on Hikimoe to Waipahu Transit Center.
Westbound: From Waipahu Transit Center, left on Waipahu Depot Road, right on Farrington, right on Leoku, left on Leolua, right on Kunia, right on Kupuna Loop (makai), left on Kunia, take Waipahu exit onto Farrington, left on Waipahu Depot, right on Hikimoe to Waipahu Transit Center.
Eastbound: From Kam Highway, Nimitz, Dillingham.
Westbound: From Beretania, King, left on Dillingham, Kam, Nimitz, Kam.
Eastbound: From Ala Moana Center/Kona Street, left on Kaheka, right on King Street, left on University Avenue, Sinclair Circle.
Westbound: From Sinclair Circle, left on University Avenue, right on Beretania, left on Keeaumoku, Ala Moana Center/Kona Street.
Eastbound: From Aloha Tower Market Place, Ala Moana Blvd., right on Kalakaua, left on Kapahulu.
Westbound: From Kapahulu, right on Kuhio, left on Olohana, left on Kalakaua, right on Saratoga, right on Kalia, left on Ala Moana Boulevard, Aloha Tower Market Place.
Eastbound: From Bishop/ King, right on Keeaumoku, left on Kona Street.
Westbound: From Kona Street, left on Kaheka, right on King, left on Kalakaua, left on Beretania, left on Nuuanu, left on King.
Source: City & County
Vans to move commuters
Star-Bulletin staff
About 100 city vans will be available to shuttle commuters from outlying areas into downtown where they can catch another shuttle into Waikiki during morning commute hours.
Passengers must call 523-4381 to reserve a space on a first-come, first-served basis. The phone line will be open during business hours tomorrow.
Callers who get a recording are asked to leave their name, a daytime telephone number and the area of the island where they live. A city staff person will return the call to complete the reservation. Residents must be at least 18 years of age to qualify for the service.
The vans will leave at 6 and 8 a.m. from six locations except from Waianae, where the departures will be at 6 and 9 a.m. Return trips from the Chinatown Gateway facility will leave at 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. The van service will be free, and will leave from and return to:
>> Waianae Neighborhood Community Center
>> Kapolei Transit Center
>> Wahiawa-Fred Wright Park
>> Hans L'Orange Park
>> Blaisdell Park
>> School Street bus stop near Kapalama Elementary
>> Windward Mall bus stop
Transportation resources
>> Public and private schools and colleges are making their own arrangements to help students and staff get to school. Call individual schools for more information.
>> In the event of a strike, the zipper lane on the H-1 Freeway will remain open from 5 to 9:15 a.m., instead of shutting down at 8:30 a.m. The zipper lane also will be open to vehicles that have two or more occupants, rather than three or more occupants.
Also, high-occupancy vehicle lanes along the H-1, H-2, and Moanalua freeways and Kalanianaole Highway will be open to all vehicles regardless of the number of occupants.
>> The Kapahulu/Kaimuki/ Waikiki trolley service will not be affected by the strike. The trolleys run every half-hour from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. from Waikiki up Kapahulu Avenue to Kaimuki and also stops at the Center for Hawaiian Studies Center at the University of Hawaii. Cost is $1. Call 792-4490 for more information or go to www.neighborhood
>> Vanpool Hawaii has about a dozen vans available for new vanpools as well as open seats on existing vanpools. The cost is about $55 per month. Call Vanpool Hawaii at 596-VANS (8267) or go to
>> State Department of Transportation Rideshare Program matches riders with drivers in a database. Call 692-7670 or go to www.state.
>> The city is also offering daily e-mail updates on a special bus strike Web page. To sign up, go to
Volunteers gear up
for bike troop
Three city staffers have volunteered to lead a bike caravan to Honolulu Hale for those interested in bicycling to work on Tuesday, said Cheryl Soon, the city's transportation director.
Interested cyclists should meet at 7:15 a.m. at Ala Wai Community Park or Kaimuki Park or at 6:30 a.m. at Central Oahu Regional Park. For more information on biking to work, call the Honolulu Bicycle Coordinator at 527-5044 or go to
Places ride-sharers can meet
Drivers with extra seats and people who need rides to work or the University of Hawaii are encouraged to meet at various locations around Oahu and form "Ohana Carpools." City Transportation Director Cheryl Soon said the plan is still being worked on and locations may change, but people seeking to carpool should be able to go to:
>> Kailua District Park
>> Kapolei Hale
>> Pearl City Youth Center in Manana
>> Wahiawa Botanical Gardens
>> City Square in Kalihi
>> Hawaii Kai Park and Ride
>> Kaneohe District Park Gym
>> Mililani Park and Ride
>> Kunia Park and Ride
>> Waipahu Gym
>> Niu Valley Shopping Ctr.
>> Sinclair Circle
Drivers and people needing rides back to drop-off points in the afternoon should go to:
>> Hotel Street
>> Sinclair Circle (UH-Manoa)
>> Hale Koa Hotel parking lot
Extra city parking
UH prepares campuses
for travel and parking changes
The University of Hawaii is encouraging students, faculty and staff to carpool or make other arrangements to get to class Tuesday in the event of a strike. A Web site has been set up at, which will have an online ride-sharing matching service.
Information on strike contingency plans for each campus is listed below:
Some 1,900 additional parking spaces will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis both on and off campus.
The Rainbow Shuttle and additional shuttle services will be running on an expanded schedule.
Additional on-campus parking sites will be available at:
Bachman Lawn (access through Bachman Gate); Kennedy Theatre-McCarthy Mall (access through East-West Gate); Zone 17 Music Building (access through Music Building entrance); Klum Gym gravel area (access through Lower Campus Gate); Lab School lawn, University (access through Public Television parking entrance); and Lab School lawn, Metcalf (access through Lab School parking entrance).
Additional off-campus parking sites include Blaisdell Center, Kakaako Waterfront Park, Manoa Valley District Park and Ala Wai Community Park (two sites: at Kapiolani-McCully and at the end of University Avenue).
Honolulu Community College
For transportation assistance, students can contact Heide Ross, director of student life, studentlife@hcc.hawaii. edu; and faculty and staff can contact Ken Kato, director of administrative services, 845-9123,
Kapiolani Community College
A bulletin board to post inquiries and offers for carpools will be available in the Ohia Building, first floor, outside the Student Services Office and the Bookstore.
For transportation assistance, contact Ann Kinningham, director of administrative services, 734-9751,
Leeward Community College
There will be no off-site additional parking areas available. An on-campus overflow lot will be open, but it will not be enough to accommodate the anticipated increase in cars.
UH-West Oahu students, faculty and staff requiring transportation assistance can contact Mike Yano, 454-4742,
Leeward students, faculty and staff requiring transportation assistance can contact Clifford Togo, director of administrative services, 455-0213,
Windward Community College
Windward Community College will have a bulletin board in the Campus Center Building (Hale Akoakoa) to assist students who want to participate in ride sharing.
Windward students, faculty and staff requiring transportation assistance can contact Steven Nakasone, director of administrative services, 235-7405.
LOTMA express bus schedule

For more information and a schedule call 677-RIDE (7433) or go to