Tracy Noland and her husband, Mike, checked in at Honolulu Airport yesterday to prepare for a church mission trip to Kenya. Mike is being allowed to participate in the mission even though he is on parole, and will be required to check in by phone every two weeks.
Parolees second
chance is a long shot
Peter Noland departs for Africa
to help unwed teenage moms

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Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003
>> Mike Noland is the parolee who was allowed to go to Kenya to do charity work. A sub-headline incorrectly referred to him as Peter Noland on Page A3 yesterday.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Editor Frank Bridgewater at 529-4791 or email him at fbridgewater@starbulletin.com. |  |
Parolee Mike Noland, who nearly killed a man in 1992, said he never thought it would be possible for him to go to Africa to help orphans and unwed teenage mothers.
But Noland left the islands last night to share in his wife Tracy's dream and begin the journey to Kisumu, Kenya.
"We feel so honored for this opportunity," Tracy Noland said. "And we know that it's God because it's really hard to leave the island if you're on parole."
Hawaii Paroling Authority Administrator Tommy Johnson agreed that it is "really unusual" for a parolee to be allowed to leave the country.
"The only reason we considered it is because he's vouched for by the church and some community members. This is his chance to give back," he said.
Noland's history of parole since his retake has been good, and he has abided by the terms of the parole, he said.
Johnson said the paroling authority is taking great care to make sure no one is put at risk, and is requiring Noland to check in with his parole officer by phone every two weeks. He must return in 90 days, although he had requested to stay for seven months.
Noland's parole is scheduled to end in September 2004.
Although not a sex offender, Noland will be prohibited from working directly with teenage girls and will be restricted to maintenance and working on the land, Johnson said.
The Nolands will work with TEMAK (Teenage Mothers Association of Kenya), an organization started by Hawaii residents Alice and Charles Bratton, who belong to the Salvation Army and support the mission with private funds.
"We're thrilled about Tracy and Mike going over there and making a commitment to work with the young people," said Alice Bratton. She said many Kenyan children have been orphaned by AIDS. Tracy will work with children at the orphanage and unwed teenage mothers at a work training center, while Mike will help build.
The two will live in an apartment prepared for them by a TEMAK worker. Bratton is sure the two will be in for culture shock, but Kisumu is the third-largest city in Kenya, with running water and some electricity.
Tracy Noland was a soldier with the Salvation Army and had also ministered at the rehabilitation center where Noland was being treated.
He heard Tracy share her plan to travel to Africa to help children there.
The two fell in love and were married in April.
"I have incredible peace and joy helping others because I know I am helping Christ," said Mike Noland yesterday before leaving. "Every day I'm showered with miracles, being allowed to leave on parole."
On Feb. 28, 1992, Noland was convicted for second-degree assault. Noland said he a man nearly died after he punched him.
Although the court had granted him probation, he continued a life of drugs, alcohol and crime. He was required to serve time and was sentenced to five years in 1999. He was released on parole Nov. 21, 2001.
After serving time, Noland was paroled to the Salvation Army's Adult Rehabilitation Center and turned his life around.
"We have some success stories, but you don't often hear about them," Johnson said.