
»Questions rattle trust
»Isle schools accepting Asians
»Clock ticking in bank rivalry
»Sailor admits killing wife
»Isle woman named Mom of Year
»Wider smoking ban considered
»Mavrothalassitis named best chef
»School gets funds for new lab
»Citations for dangerous dogs rising

late-breaking stories

»Rare pa'u pageantry
»Hopkins wins Film Fest award
»Return to dancing
»Raw retro-jets burn high octane
»Hula Bowl moved to Jan. 17
»Alternate classification proposed
»Iowan to join Wahine
»Judd, Theocharidis honored
»2 finish NFL minicamps
»Title IX, costs concern Toyama
»Adams deal rejected
»Cruising along
»Coral Reef to sell condos
»State eyes wedding business

»Help for gifted students essential
»Letters to the Editor