»Preservation office audit urged
»Nurse tells of helping shark victim
»Flower holds up Ewa road plan
»Docs still back mammograms
»City accounting error found
»Hearing held in shipboard killings
»Waimanalo cleanup called success
»Librarian opposes 'Net filter law
»Pearl tug offered to state
»Lawmakers plan Good Friday walk
»Hurricane fund exec still hoping
»Isle smoking death increase seen
»Top health official to be feted
Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom
»Jimmy Buffet pays homage
»What's hot, what's not
»Think twice about Easter bunnies
»Rainbows blow large lead
»NFL scouts coming to UH
»Warriors work to be Anteater beaters
»Wahine assistant lands top job
»Roosevelt tops Kaiser
»Aquasearch files reorg plan
»High court restricts alien labor rights
»Tougher laws needed for funeral industry
»State yielding to tobacco temptation
»Letters to the Editor