
»Photo freeze proposed
»Traffic lights OK, engineer testifies
»BOE approves $36.2 million in cuts
»Officer dies of leukemia
»Powder on Maui flight was safe
»Military construction budget falls
»Bill limits property tax assessments
»Promoters look to enhance Pro Bowl
»Senate bill takes aim at OHA
»$8.4 million for charter schools
»Policeman hits and kills pedestrian
»Democrats sidestep bill recalls
»Acquittal upsets Maui woman's relatives
»Families attend Ehime Maru dedication
»Waipahu apartment gets grant

Morning edition news stories,
and late-breaking stories,
posted direct from the newsroom

»Rocks of ages

»Mililani looking to conquer
»UH watches its back
»Wahine rip UTEP

»Sports Shinko sued over golf course
»Union offers airlines deal
»Japan Pro Bowl telecast may help isles
»Ala Moana's owner gains

»Open-records law needs to be heeded
»Abortion rights battles resurface
»Editor's Scratchpad
»Letters to the Editor