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Monday, January 22, 2001

Photographs often are the best way to show dramatic changes in Hawaii, providing an easy update on landmarks, persons and events. At other times, however, photos showing minimal changes during the years remind us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. Look for examples of big and little changes every Monday in "It's about time," which will inform, update and prod a few memories.
The Open
over the years
The 2001 Sony Open in Hawaii concluded yesterday at the Waialae Country Club with Brad Faxon emerging as the winner.

By George F. Lee, Star-Bulletin
Sony Open winner Brad Faxon, left, receives his
prize check on the 18th green following his victory
in Waialae yesterday.

By Jack Titchen, Star-Bulletin, 1965
The annual golf tourney began in 1965 as the Hawaiian Open,
with Gay Brewer and Bob Goalby going to a playoff after both
shot 281 for the regulation 72 holes. The picture above is how
the Waialae course and mauka neighborhood looked 36 years
ago during the playoff on the first hole.

By Jack Titchen, Star-Bulletin, 1965
Here is another view of that first hole back then, looking
toward the Kahala Apartments. In 1966, Hawaii's Ted
Makalena shot 271 to beat the defending champion,
Brewer, and Billy Casper, who tied at 274, but it
would be 24 years before another local boy would
win the Open.

By Dennis Oda, Star-Bulletin, 1990
David Ishii, shown with wife Lorraine, took home the
top prize in 1990. That was the last time a Hawaii golfer
won the tournament, and the last year it was known
simply as the Hawaiian Open. Although sponsored
from the start by United Airlines, it wasn't until 1991
that the tourney was dubbed the United Hawaiian Open,
then the United Airlines Hawaiian Open from 1992 to
1998. It has been known as the Sony Open in Hawaii
since 1999, when Sony Corp. took over as corporate
sponsor. This year's top prize was $720,000.
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