Time for Cayetano to support education
It becomes clearer each day that the educational legacy left to us by the current "education governor" will be a K-16 system in a state of crisis far exceeding anything we have ever known.While Cayetano continues to make political grandstands and attack the very professionals the state sorely requires to help it pull through these extremely difficult times, teachers at all levels are increasingly demoralized, and are retiring or leaving the islands.
Instead of creating and/or suggesting creative strategies to correct the problems as other states and governors have done, Cayetano prefers to bicker and continue his public disdain in general for Hawaii's teachers. Note his long-term and shoddy treatment of them at the negotiating table for the past few years.
The governor must keep the promises he made or face what appears to be the real outcome of his two terms: an education crisis unparalleled in our state's history.
Vincent Linares
Kula, Maui
Essay on immorality of America was great
Terry Bosgra's Nov. 11 View Point commentary, "America's moral dilemma," can be described in only one way: absolutely wonderful!John D. Ramsey
Gabbard didn't attack critics during campaign
During the campaign and even after the election, I saw so much criticism of Board of Education candidate Carol Gabbard from the media, homosexual activists and other candidates.Yet never did I witness Gabbard engaging in personal criticism of any BOE candidate or incumbent. She has endured such sniping with dignity. I admire that.
My question is what kind of person is more likely to be a source of friction on the school board -- one who criticizes other members without cause and fails to show even the most basic level of respect for others, or someone like Gabbard who has gracefully tolerated the campaign of criticism and hate leveled at her from so many quarters.
Shame on small-minded, irresponsible bigots who are quick to judge people even before they know them.
Lisa Gilltrap
Shinseki's decision on berets is wrong
As Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki and his "New Army" concept have been favorably received by many all-service members. He has proved himself to be a capable and visionary leader.However, his decision to require all branches of the Army -- regardless of military occupational specialty -- to wear the black beret, is shortsighted (Star-Bulletin, Oct. 19). Not only was this decision made unilaterally, but without consideration that the black beret has been a symbol of pride for the Rangers for 50 years.
You cannot use logic for what is basically a sentimental issue, especially to old-timers, veterans and those serving in Ranger units today. I belong to the 187 ABN and Ranger associations and, needless to say, my fellow members are beside themselves.
The mandatory date for the uniform change is June 2001, so we're hopeful General Shinseki will reverse his decision. How unfortunate if he is remembered as the chief who stole the black beret from the Rangers.
Since he is one of Hawaii's sons, perhaps his many friends and colleagues should contact him regarding this issue.
Col. James T. Tengan (Ret.)
Rancho Palos Verde, Calif.
Hawaiians have suffered enough
In his Nov. 16 letter, Donald Allen expresses great pleasure that Mililani Trask was not reelected as an Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee. Allen theorizes that "now OHA can pursue its goals without being shackled by those who only want to further their own interests."This statement proves the shallowness of Allen's knowledge of Hawaiian history.
It is a history both barbarous and racist. Everything that was supposed to benefit the native people was taken away or transformed, the latest being OHA. Similarly, Queen's Hospital, heavily endowed and built by Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma to care for the health of native Hawaiians forever, was taken under the pretext that it was never intended to be theirs.
Look also at the dismal failure of the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.
I submit the words of Emerson to Allen: "Nothing is so indicative of deepest culture as a tender consideration of the ignorant."
Marisa Plemer
Athletes are the stars, not commentators
I couldn't agree more with Michael Chandler's Nov. 10 letter, "We need new blood in UH sports commentary." How much longer must University of Hawaii sports fans endure the mediocrity of sportscaster Jim Leahey? He still hasn't learned how to let the action of the play speak for itself. He is not the centerpiece of the game -- the players are.Ram Aguin
Pearl City band was highlight of game
What a shame your coverage of the University of Hawaii Warriors vs. Nevada-Reno football game didn't include a mention of the inspiring and spectacular half-time show. It was, in the opinion of many, the best show they had ever witnessed.
See 'Halftime' video
in today's Starbulletin.com:
Click here for Quicktime
Click here for RealVideo
Download RealPlayer
The Pearl City High School Band, its leaders, school administrators, support cast and boosters must be complimented for their tireless efforts in putting on such a spectacular program.
It was even more inspiring because the band had participated in the Oahu High School Band Festival on Nov. 6 and the UH Invitational High School Bank Festival on Nov. 9, followed by its performance at the football game on Nov. 11. Thanks, Pearl City, for your beautiful display of pride, discipline and dedication.
T. Bruce and Elaine M. Honda
Junior ROTC cadets added to festivities
Congratulations to Pearl City High School for its awesome half-time performance on Nov. 11 at Aloha Stadium. The performance was spectacular.In addition, since last Saturday was both Veterans Day and Military Appreciation Night, more than 350 JROTC cadets dressed in their respective military service uniforms participated as well. Yes, their part in the half-time celebration was small but they participated wholeheartedly.
These cadets came from seven high schools and represented each branch of the military. They, too, deserve a big mahalo for a job well done.
Lt. Col. Antoinette Correira (Ret.)
Pearl City
"The Democrats who remain know
they remain only as long as they produce
now for the people of the state."Linda Lingle
Commenting on the pressure to act that
Democrats will experience after a record number of
Republicans were elected to the state House
"I hate to hear of 3-1/2-year-olds
off at tutors. Read to the child, talk about the
stories, turn off the TV. That's still the best."Curtis Hagen
On how parents should prepare their
children to start school
Cartoon to the editor
By Sandy Ritz, Honolulu
Bush and Chaney were illegally elected
In your Nov. 7 issue there was this large headline: "Technicality could cost Bush the Texas vote." Under that headline: "The 12th Amendment prohibits both candidates on a ticket from being inhabitants of the same state." So what's the problem? Gore should request that Bush's votes be annulled and that would settle the matter completely.Chester Chaffee
Pearl City
This is not the first vote-counting controversy
Observing the debacle in Florida now resulting in Bush's lawsuit to block hand counting of ballots, we are witnessing yet another replay of events that will lead to further erosion of voter confidence.In 1970, Dade County, Fla., was the setting for a smaller but similar voter scam involving false exit polls by the Voter News Service, owned by the networks, and computer manipulation. The state attorney general's office, where Janet Reno was an assistant attorney, refused to investigate allegations of voter fraud.
The details can be read in the book "Votescam: The Stealing of America," which describes the thwarted attempts of citizens to expose the depth of corruption and complicity in the electoral process.
Melissa Yee
Citizens' Committee for Voter IntegritySee also today's article: Hawaii was 'Florida' of 1960 election
Florida's secretary of state did the right thing
Corky Trinidad's Nov. 15 cartoon shows Florida's secretary of state throwing away ballots and declaring that she herself will decide the result of the election.Doesn't Corky know that her job is to uphold Florida's election law, which clearly states a time limit of seven days for reporting election results? She would be derelict not to attempt to enforce it.
The purpose of the law is to prevent the kind of politically inspired tinkering that is going on right now. This law was passed by Florida's duly elected legislators.
Fortunately, we still live in a country where problems are solved as much as possible in advance through careful consideration.
In case Corky doesn't recognize this description, it's called the rule of law. His bias -- against it -- is showing.
Manning Richards
Give each candidate half of Florida's electoral votes
The people have spoken: Morally and legally, Al Gore is the sole candidate who can make a legitimate claim to the presidency.By carrying the popular vote across our nation, he was clearly the people's choice. And while it is true that our nation chooses presidents by electoral vote, on that front as well, Gore is the winner.
When it comes to Florida, the vote is simply too close to call and the controversies too serious to make a fair judgment as to the winner. Even Pat Buchanan believes Gore is the choice of the people.
The reasonable solution? Split Florida's electoral vote right down the middle -- awarding half to Gore and half to Bush. Gore would then win the presidency.
Elleen Millar
Kamuela, Hawaii
Ways to deal with presidential deadlock
Here are a few suggestions to help America resolve the messed-up presidential election calamity:
Split the Florida electoral votes between each candidate.
Discard Florida's electoral votes.
Hold a new presidential election nationwide utilizing a less complicated standardized ballot.
Eliminate the electoral vote system and go back to the popular vote system.
Keep President Clinton on duty for another four years or longer!
Kimo Keaupuni
If Bush is elected, GOP will have too much power
If Vice President Al Gore loses the presidential election, the culprit is Ralph Nader, who siphoned votes away from Gore.With the Republicans in control of Congress and George W. Bush as our leader, the new president will nominate conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. As such, the Republicans will control the three branches of government: the legislative, executive and judiciary.
This would be contrary to the checks and balance of good government.
How Tim Chang
Democrats failed Palm Beach community
I am appalled by the outcry of allegedly aggrieved voters who want a revote that would benefit Al Gore and the Democratic Party in the controversial Florida election.The Palm Beach ballot and instructions were approved by a director who was a Democrat. Prior to the election, the Democrats had an opportunity to go into the Palm Beach community to explain the structure of the ballot and describe the necessary steps to make their votes count correctly.
Surely a party that would offer cigarettes to Wisconsin citizens as an inducement to vote would have enough resources to hold seminars to educate their party members?
Edric Ching
Let candidates fight it out, literally
The best solution to the current mess our country is in: Put the two fellas in a boxing ring and let them beat on each other, no holds barred, last man standing is the winner. In addition, if this were televised live on pay-per-view, with all proceeds going toward paying down the national debt, the country would soon be debt free.I'd wager that the number of people tuning in would be larger than the number who actually went to the polls.
Bill Fong
Some smell a fix on part of Bush's brother
Funny how George W. Bush, while being interviewed on election night when Al Gore had been declared the winner of the Florida electoral college, said, "There must be some mistake."Do you think George knew something that we didn't? Any chance that Bruddah Jeb, the governor of Florida, might be behind all this madness? I sure hope so, as it would make for better news.
Jim Rosen
Bush is trying to make Gore the bad guy
I am outraged that George W. Bush has his people inundating the media with messages attempting to make a bad guy out of Al Gore or anyone else insisting that votes should be recounted. All this doubt is far more harmful to the country than taking the time to clear it up.Also, as someone who respects our democratic system, I feel that Bush is morally bound to call for a revote in the precincts where confusing ballots made voting difficult. Anyone who would lead America as president and says, "I trust the people," should be happy to allow concerned citizens to vote their minds.
Someone who wants to "restore honor and dignity to the White House" should not allow himself to come into power in such a questionable and possibly illegitimate way.
Jill Dorsten
Amendment should be made to picking winner
Rather than eliminate the Electoral College system, the language should be amended to add a clause that says when there is conflict between the Electoral College vote and the popular vote, the latter should take precedence.This will enable us to retain the advantages of the Electoral College but do away with those rare situations when it turns the winner into a loser, and vice versa.
I'm certain it would be far easier to enact this provision than to eliminate the Electoral College altogether.
Rick Lloyd
Candidates seem to be running for dictator
As the debate rages over the election, perhaps we should no longer ask who is going to be the next president but what are we electing as president.Both candidates and their affiliated entourage of advisers have forgotten that they are the trustees of the estate, not the owner of the estate. They no longer seek the office of the president but instead seek to be "el presidente."
The acrimonius debate now raging, the childish and petty diatribes of advisers, and the willingness to initiate any action to win should terrify the American people. Is either candidate familiar with the remarks of Plutarch on the King of Epirus?
Owen R. Stanley
Pearl City
A 21st-century addition for Webster's Dictionary
Out of this election comes a new word: the "Floridization" of an election. It means keeping the recount going until your man wins.Jim Delmonte
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