Halftime spectacular
By Dean Sensui
Starbulletin.comThere's nothing quite like the glamour and excitement of a halftime show. The colors, sights and sounds thrill thousands. The choreographed movements on the field are nothing short of impressive. And the oversized props and flags are overwhelming.
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Pearl City High School's halftime show on Veterans Day was, according to many observers, among the most spectacular ever put on during a University of Hawaii football game. This show honored the recent recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor and also introduced Angela Baraquio, Hawaii's own Miss America.
But what goes into putting together a performance like this?
In addition to the 270 band members, there are 200 dancers, 350 ROTC members, and 300 others including band parents and community volunteers.Above all, it takes a great deal of dedication among the high school students themselves, and hundreds of hours of practice, practice, practice.
Tommy Kamisato interview
David Wells interview
Among the largest displays are the two balloon arches. Spanning the entire field, what looks like a simple string of helium balloons is actually the product of a deceptively complex operation.
Just hours before the kickoff, band members and everyone involved with the show gather at the stadium for rehearsals and final preparations.Bob Kagihara interview
And finally, it's showtime!
This is Dean Sensui, reporting for Starbulletin-dot-com.