Until the University of Hawaii football team wins a game, Ron Pelletier doesn't think there will be a parking problem at the stadium. Steps taken to fix
parking problems
at Aloha StadiumOne football fan doesn't think it will
be a problem until UH wins a gameBy Rosemarie Bernardo
Star-Bulletin"We're just not going to go until they win," Pelletier said. He thinks attendance will be less than 30,000 until there is a victory by the 0-2 Warriors.
Aloha Stadium officials are trying to make it easier to park, "but it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," said Pelletier, a season ticket holder from Nuuanu.
The public is being reminded this week of the alternative parking lots at Ford Island Runway, Kam Drive-In and Leeward Community College for tomorrow night's game against the University of Tulsa.
There's a $3 charge to park at Ford Island and Kam Drive-in with free shuttle service. Parking is free from Leeward but the shuttle costs $2.
The parking alternatives are designed to alleviate gridlock. For the Sept. 9 season opener, some UH football fans had to wait in their vehicles for hours to get to the stadium.
Police Maj. Michael Brede of Pearl City said alternate parking site information was available to fans for the first game, but "nobody took it up."
"People tried to see if they can get in" at the stadium, he said. "That caused the congestion."
Shuttle service from the alternate sites to the stadium will be provided from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. After the game, shuttles will run from 9 to 10 p.m. Car pools with four or more people will be able to park in the lower Halawa lot beginning at 1 p.m. They will be able to enter the stadium from the Salt Lake and Halawa gates.
All parking and turnstile gates will open at 2:30 p.m., an hour earlier than Sept. 9. On-street parking will not be available before the gates open. Only cars with passes will be allowed in when the "lot full, passes only" sign is posted.
Other cars will be directed to the alternate parking sites.
Traffic conditions will be updated on KCCN-AM 1420 beginning at 2:30 p.m.
"People coming to the game will have good information as to what's going on," said Brede.
"Personally, I would rather park at Leeward and catch the bus than sit in a car for two hours," he said.