Thursday, May 25, 2000
Don't blame media for encouraging crime
Jim Rosen's May 19 letter questioned the media attention being given to Byran Uyesugi. Rosen cited Timothy Leary's argument that, if journalists would stop making criminals their lead stories, there would be fewer aspiring to such ill actions.It is apparent that Uyesugi killed seven co-workers because he had deep psychological issues that were unsuccessfully treated. He feared losing his job and believed co-workers and probably the world had conspired to do him wrong.
To think that Uyesugi committed the multiple murders because he wanted to be the next criminal in the headlines is far too simplistic.
Why not view the coverage in a different light? There are companies that, because of the Uyesugi coverage, are beefing up security and learning to become more aggressive as far as taking proactive solutions when employee conflicts and emotionally unbalanced workers are noticed. They are realizing the importance of treatment should employees require it, and attempting to foster healthy employee relations.
It would be unfortunate to lessen coverage of criminals based on a fear that someone might aspire to copy them. Then we'd have people who are less educated and informed. Lest we forget, the press does not create criminals; it simply reports on them.
Warren A. Kaneshiro
"My goal is not to let this happen again. I don't want there to be any more Matthews." Quotables
Judy Shepard
In Honolulu for the screening of the film "Journey to a Hate Free Millennium" at Tenney Theatre
"If I can win one more world title, my dream is to defend it in Hawaii." Jesus Salud
Who might get a shot at the World Boxing Organization title if he wins his 12-round fight tonight at the Blaisdell Arena
Happenings in Fiji have parallel in Hawaii
Having just returned from a month-long visit to Viti in Fiji, I am not surprised by what's happening with respect to indigenous Fijians. I witnessed many instances of persons of Indian descent showing disrespect and arrogance against indigenous Fijians.The Fijians have no intention of losing their land. They have had stewardship for 3,000 years. Their current actions, although sudden and decisive, make this point very obvious.
Although Fijians are a loving, warm and welcoming people, they are strong in their culture and are willing to act on their beliefs with conviction.
Perhaps an understanding of the need of indigenous people to control their own ancestral land might apply in Hawaii.
Berna Mings
Is Akaka's plan good for Hawaiians?
The United States recognizes 554 groups of indigenous people as possessing sovereign authority. Hawaiians are working to have their nation-to-nation status recognized once again.
But is Senator Akaka's bill the proper venue? It appears to undermine Hawaiian self-determination, and the entire process ignores Hawaiian input while establishing an impossible timetable.
If this federal process is so critical, why is there no money to effectuate its purposes: ensuring the trust responsibility of the United States and recognizing the unique status of Hawaiians?
Our congressional delegation could promote the building of the Hawaiian nation by ensuring that Hawaiians receive the airport revenues they are owed from federal funds instead of state general funds, and by changing the law so that federal surplus lands are held to be part of the sovereign lands of the Hawaiian nation.
Meanwhile, Hawaiians should quit their infighting and ego trips, and move to educate themselves on their rights. They need to strategize to build the best future for all.
Lela M. Hubbard
Everyone has the right to participate in OHA
In Russell Oshiro's May 19 letter, he complains with the question, "Why, as a haole, does he (Rice vs. Cayetano plaintiff, Harold "Freddy" Rice) want to get involved in Hawaiian affairs?"
First, the United States is a country made up of many different ethnic groups. The enormous success we've enjoyed is based on our Constitution, which says there shall be no discrimination or preferential treatment of any race over another.
Also, "no taxation without representation." Remember that one? Whether we accept the facts or not, it's taxpayer money that's supporting OHA. Therefore, people should have the right to say how this money is to be spent.
Art Todd
OHA Special
Holo I Mua: Sovereignty Roundtable
Sloppy dresser was out of place at play
I was privileged to see the amazing performance of "Phantom," now playing at Diamond Head Theatre. The orchestra members were all dressed in tuxedos and their finest, while patrons sported aloha wear or nice clothes.Next to me, however, sat a young adult in slippers, a ripped-off-at-the-knees pair of shorts and a baggy T-shirt. Wow, did he think he was cool! To his friends maybe, but not to me.
Since Hillary Clinton said it takes a village to raise a family, and I am a member of the village called Honolulu, I wish to say something to both the young man and his parents: It is not cool to show up at events like a slob when everyone else is dressed up.
There are times when formality is tradition. It's not OK for parents to give their season tickets to their kids, who then show disrespect by their lack of dress.
Yes, there are dress codes in the world and, if young adults want to be accepted as equals, not freaks, they should start showing respect for the institutions that define our village.
Jim Delmonte
Organ donation comforts the bereaved
Mahalo to Helen Altonn for her article, "St. Francis transplant patients are 'doing well,' " which ran in your May 17 edition. As a friend of the organ donor, I know this article brought comfort to those who knew him, especially his family.I truly hope the four organ recipients realize how special they are to receive his "gifts." Although, in most cases, the organ donor is never talked about, please know that my friend was a very special person, a blessing to all who crossed his path.
While his death was unfortunate, his impact on these four families will forever remind me of his genuine goodness.
Robyn Jara
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