Tuesday, November 30, 1999
More on Trask vs. Inouye
Inouye: I supported apology resolution
Although it is not my custom to conduct press conferences or write letters to the editors, I am advised that there has been such wide circulation of inaccurate information regarding my position on what has come to be known as the "apology resolution," that I feel compelled to set the record straight.It has been alleged that I was not supportive of the resolution, that I wrote articles opposing the resolution and -- perhaps the most egregious misrepresentation -- that I stated the apology resolution was "not worth the paper it was written" on.
The following facts are borne out of the official records of the U.S. Senate:
I served as an original co-sponsor of the apology resolution.
Not only did I fully support it, but -- as the Congressional Record of debates in the Senate makes clear -- I also vigorously sought passage of it.
As I did not write any article opposing the resolution, the aforementioned statement attributed to me is patently false.
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye
Sovereignty movement welcomes everyone
I read with delight entertainer Jimmy Borges' Nov. 20 letter in response to all the huhu over Mililani Trask's remarks about Senator Inouye and the U.S. Interior Department's so-called reconciliation process. Borges commented on how proud he was of his "Hawaiian blood," and added that he is so very proud to be an American.I can't help but be amused over this, from my position as an American expatriate. I can tell you with the utmost pride that, while I was American by birth, I am Hawaiian by choice.
I am part of the Hawaiian independence movement, which, when successful, will restore the nationhood that has been mistakenly held in abeyance for over 100 years.
The process of naturalization will allow anyone, no matter what ethnic or national background, to become a subject of the Hawaiian crown, through swearing their allegiance to the kingdom of Hawaii -- just as was the pattern in the independent and democratic Hawaiian nation, which was stolen and replaced with an unjust and racist American colony.
Jordan Peters
Via the Internet
Give Trask and friends their own little island
Shame on Mililani Trask for her pilau remarks in reference to Dan Inouye. The senator has served Hawaii well for many years. Are her remarks what we can expect from the leaders of a "sovereign" Hawaii?Most Hawaiians do not support the radical elements of the sovereignty movement, and with good reason, it seems.
I'm sure we can find a suitably uninhabited island for Trask and her cohorts, where they can supplant the miseries of living in the 20th century with a return to a nostalgic patriarchal feudalism, replete with turtle rattles, bone hooks and squat holes.
Mel Makaokalani Medeiros
Houston, Texas
Via the Internet
Not enough good men run for OHA trustee
I ask the people who voted for Mililani Trask, "Is this what you intended to happen when you elected her to office?" If your answer is no, you all must do the right thing and vote out this embarrassment.Hawaiian men must stand up and be responsible. Not enough good men are stepping up to fill the gap and, when that happens, evil is able to control our world.
John W.K. Luuwai
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Via the Internet
"As a community,
we're really angry about it.
My gosh, how can you have
highly toxic chemicals
and not check for
corroded pipes?"Maeda Timson
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD Upset at Brewer Environmental Industries for its
Thanksgiving Day acid spill at
Campbell Industrial Park
"We'll probably be known
as the most beautiful,
nicest ER ever."Susan Orr
AT QUEEN'S MEDICAL CENTER About the Oahu hospital's new
$14 million state-of-the-art
emergency room
"He's not able to return to school,
so I don't think they should be
able to return to school either.
They don't realize what
damage they've done."Lynn Awai-Tavares.
ON MAUI On three Kalama student who were suspended
for five days after allegedly
assaulting Cody
Big box stores aren't that competitive
The two big players, Home Depot and Eagle, are not as competitive as they would like people to think ("Hardware giants loom large over isle's little guys," Star-Bulletin, Nov. 17).Both big companies are not out to beat the other big guy's prices but only to match them. Case in point: A five-gallon can of Aluminum 220 coating costs $68.88 at Home Depot and exactly the same at Eagle.
Something is not right here. What is to prevent these two from simply giving each other their price lists so they don't under cut each other? Then they can simply bust up the City Mills, Ace Hardwares and other smaller players.
Lawrence Y. Miyake
Via the Internet
What makes Home Depot think that I'll drive all the way over there to shop at its store? I'll go to City Mill.
Rick Ronolo
Via the Internet
It's better to eat than be eaten
I am one of the people of Hawaii who says "yes" to shark finning. It's far better that we eat sharks than they eat us.Jonah Lee
Legislature Directory
Hawaii Revised Statutes
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