Monday, November 22, 1999
Cal Lee has never discounted academics
As a graduate of St. Louis School and a former football player under the guidance of Coach Cal Lee, I feel the blame for the school's poorly perceived educational program should not fall on the athletic department.Coach Lee has always taught his players that school is very important and he has never put football over academics.
I have had teachers who had absolutely no control over their classes, and those who were in complete control, with whom students learned a great deal.
While I don't condone the delinquent actions of some of the players while off campus, this was an aspect of adolescence blown out of proportion by the media because it involves St. Louis.
Instead of pointing fingers over the quality of the St. Louis's academic program, perhaps a review of teachers might be in order.
Ryan Dias
St. Louis School, Class of 1994
Via the Internet
Eavesdropping showed true measure of a man
Almost everything I know about Father Mario I learned last year, during a 30-minute breakfast at a popular restaurant near St. Louis campus. I was trying to read the sports section of the newspaper while sitting in a booth next to one containing Father Mario and several other adults.He was talking about St. Louis School. He spoke in an excited manner about ideas that could give his students more opportunities to learn, grow and go on to college. For example, he was interested in taking better advantage of nearby Chaminade University's resources and facilities.
He was so enthusiastic that I could hardly concentrate on my sports page. As I left the restaurant, I thought how St. Louis parents must really be happy to have a guy like this -- so dedicated to the school where their kids go to learn. I guess I was wrong.
Joseph F. Zuiker
Pariante, Bronster have something in common
The firing of the Rev. Mario Pariante had nothing to do with athletics, just as the firing of (Attorney General) Margery Bronster had nothing to do with the Bishop Estate. Believe it or not.David Huntley
Via the Internet
"It is an unfortunate exaggeration and oversimplification to reduce the issues to a personality conflict." The Rev. Mario Pariante
Fired as president of St. Louis school
"I guess a lot of people didn't think you were doing the right thing but, rest assured, you were." Ryan Hurley
Senior class president of St. louis school
In a letter to Father Mario Pariante
Land must be tested before it is developed
The recent testing of soil taken from Village Park and West Loch Fairways will play an important role in the outcome of lawsuits filed against chemical companies and pineapple plantations.If the soil samples show that the pesticides are to blame for current health problems of Village Park residents, the companies should compensate the families. It is sad if they are suffering from pesticide use some 30 years ago.
Because of prior complications of pesticide use on the mainland, we should be more aware and cautious of potential side effects. Land for potential developments should be thoroughly tested before anything is built.
Joni Yamamoto
Corvallis, Ore.
Detractors are trying to discredit trustee
Mililani Trask received more than 30,000 votes to be an Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee, because Hawaiians are tired of politics and words. Her clear vision in deducing the negative cause-and-effect relationship of legislation and politics upon the condition and fate of her people -- and her single-minded determination to change this -- is the reason she is so popular among Hawaiians.We know she is smart and that she has guts. We know that she has dedicated her life to the betterment of Hawaiian people.
Meanwhile, we are told that Senator Inouye has directed expenditures of $300 million in the past five years on health, education and housing for Hawaiians. Yet the 1998 Native Hawaiian Data Survey reflects shocking statistics on how badly we have fared in the same time period.
The numbers are more than sad; they are tormenting.
Those who would use this tempest in a teapot to attack Trask's integrity at this critical juncture do great harm to the Hawaiian people's long quest for justice.
If this brouhaha emanates from Trask's fellow trustees, then what are we to think of them? Are they so bent on dumping on Trask that they would betray their electorate and purpose for holding office?
Is this all a ploy to derail Trask's position in the upcoming reconciliation meetings?
Marisa Mia Plemer
So many reasons to hold Inouye in esteem
I am a 73-year-old retired U.S. Army sergeant (1942-64). U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye is highly respected and honored by yours truly for many reasons:
Inouye said, "I will always protect the Native Hawaiians as long as I am in Washington, D.C." I submit this in support of a man I respect, honor and hold in high esteem.He is a veteran of the U.S. military forces.
He almost died for our freedom.
He aided me while in and out of service.
He has done much for the betterment of the natives.
Clarence K. Kamai Sr.
Pastor, Christian Ministry
Wailuku, Maui
Thank Cayetano for saving paper
It was great news for the people of Hawaii and the Star-Bulletin when the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the state's injunction to keep the paper running. This would not have been possible if Governor Cayetano hadn't ordered his attorney general to initiate a court action against the Advertiser and Star-Bulletin owners.Although Wayne Cahill of the Hawaii Newspaper Guild said that "Cayetano deserves much of the credit, not once did your newspaper's editor/publisher or managing editor publicly give Cayetano credit for saving their jobs.
The Star-Bulletin didn't endorse Cayetano in either of the past two elections; yet he did not let personal feelings get in the way of helping you.
Linda Lingle waited two months to assert support for Save Our Star-Bulletin, and you give her big play. You still don't get it, or don't you want to?
Henry Kim
Paper's shutdown on hold Legislature Directory
Hawaii Revised Statutes
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