Wednesday, August 11, 1999
Gays have always been in Boy Scouts
Thank you for your open-minded Aug. 7 editorial on gay Boy Scouts. There is little that the Boy Scouts can do to prevent "gay Boy Scouts." At the age most young men join the Scouts, they have no idea that they may be gay. By the time they advance beyond Boy Scout age, most gay young men realize that they are different.As a faculty advisor of a University of Hawaii gay student support group, I have listened to hundreds of young men describe their upset at realizing, as they grew up, that their feelings of intimacy are toward other guys. They realize that the way most of their peers feel about young women is the way they feel about other young men.
The refusal of the Boy Scouts to accommodate a group that most surely makes up one in 10 to 20 of their membership is unacceptable in our modern society.
The idea that gay boys are fundamentally less moral than heterosexual boys is unfounded and ludicrous. It is a real and legitimate concern of parents that their as-yet-unrecognized homosexual sons are not forced into self-destructive self-images, but can find support in their efforts to build honest, healthy and productive lives true to who they are.
Tom Humphreys
Via the Internet
Scout court decision shows moral decline
In the past, children were given every protection because of their innocence and weakness. Now, after the New Jersey decision to allow homosexuals to be Boy Scouts and scoutmasters, it's no wonder we experience Columbines. There will be many more.As we travel the low road of tolerance -- equivalent to having no standards at all -- what will be next? Bestiality? Necrophilia? Sado-masochism? In this era of selfishness, self-indulgence and irresponsible parents, children are the victims.
This is all part of the prevailing socialist agenda, calling for the destruction of the foundations of our government: family, schools (where the children are being indoctrinated, not educated), and church.
I challenge everyone who agrees with your Aug. 7 editorial position to gather their young sons and grandsons, and to send them on a week's scouting trip with a homosexual leader.
Janice Judd
Anderson's Kewalo bid raises questions
I have lived here for 35 years plus, but I must have been mentally out of town or in a time warp. So I have a few questions about the massive development planned for the Kewalo waterfront.Isn't the Andy Anderson who has just "won" the right to develop Kewalo Pointe the same fellow who kept building a project in Waikiki without a proper building permit?
Is there any possibility that Anderson, union official Walter Kupau and the governor are related?
Whatever happened to the priority of having some lovely, wide open spaces kept beautiful for local people to enjoy?
Lastly, will Mr. Anderson be required this time to get a proper building permit?
Beth Cutting
Via the Internet
"What (are) you crying for?
I didn't hit you. You want me to
give you something
4-YEAR-OLD BABY GIRL, TORIQuoted by Tori's mother, Nanette Arigo,
as what he said to the child
"He was a good man
and I knew he would make
a good police officer."RETIRED MAUI POLICE OFFICER
SECURITY EMPLOYEEDescribing Gene V. Williams, a former Wackenhut supervisor
and Maui police officer, who died when he was hit by a car
while directing traffic north of Kaanapali
Will Senate allow Marshall Ige to vote?
Now that state Sen. Marshall Ige has been indicted for violating campaign finance laws, and Earl Anzai is coming up for confirmation as attorney general, an interesting question arises.During the last legislative session, the Senate ignored its own rules by allowing Ige to vote on the reconfirmation of Attorney General Margery Bronster while her office was investigating him.
Next session, will the Senate allow Ige to vote on the confirmation of Anzai while his office is prosecuting Ige? If so, this could result in some entertaining moments, as Ige shuttles between courtroom appearances defending himself against charges brought by the A.G.'s Office and floor votes on whether to confirm the attorney general himself.
Another question: If Ige is convicted, will the Senate allow him to vote until he appeals his case?
Larry Meacham
Executive Director
Common Cause Hawaii
If found guilty, will Ige apologize?
Senator Ige's comments are an insult to the Japanese Americans who were interned during World War II. Further, his actions do not represent the majority of his constituents, which will be confirmed if he has the audacity to run for elected office again.Finally, a question for Marshall Ige: If you are found guilty by our judicial system, will you apologize to the people of Hawaii?
Thomas H. Yagi
Internees didn't do anything wrong
Hooray for state Rep. Barbara Marumoto's Aug. 7 letter. It pointed out the difference between Senator Ige and the 120,000 of us who are former internees; the difference is that we did nothing wrong.Howard S. Okada
Via the Internet
Bishop Estate should subsidize bus service
Here's a novel idea: Why doesn't the Bishop Estate jump at the chance to provide bus transportation for students of the Hawaiian immersion school in Palolo, in light of its operating shortfall?Wouldn't this expenditure be what the princess had in mind in her will? Or are there too many lawyers at the trough protecting the trustees to make this viable?
Gary Bosch
Bishop Estate Archive
Tam is friend of special-needs students
Sen. Rod Tam has once again been instrumental in getting statewide training for educational assistants in the state Department of Education. He has always shown concern about the education of students, including those with special needs.We appreciate his willingness to get involved in our issues with the DOE. With his involvement, we will be better equipped to help teach special-needs students in Hawaii.
Suzanne Yamanaka
Legislative Chairperson
Educational Assistants' Association
Pearl City
Legislature Directory
Hawaii Revised Statutes
UH student news Ka Leo O Hawaii
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