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Gunfire in Kahala bank robbery; Anzai nomination; Brain Gain - Researchers hiring; Rodrigues trial Tues.; Cancer researcher; Microalgae partnership; Hana Hotel; Housing bill; Attorney to prison; Villag Park water; Kokua Line Delicate tempura-ment; Hawaii's Kitchen; Stuffs; Hawaii; Honolulu Lite; By Request; Health Options What's happening in Honolulu? UpdatedThursdays Surfers Jaquias, Shimooka retiring; Williams deal near?; UH swimmers medal; Ordenstein gets probation; Hawaii Sumotori; An Honest Day's Word; Bodytalk; Hawaii Beat Hawaii shipment affected by West Coast labor protest; Oahu home sales surge; Executive Profile; Hawaii Stocks; Mortgage Rates A.G. selection brings more controversy; Taliban sanctions; Capitol View; Letters to the Editor |