Monday, June 21, 1999
Hate crime legislation is attack on free speech
We are facing another assault on our freedoms as hate crimes bills have been introduced by two of our best leftists in Washington, Sen. Edward Kennedy and Rep. John Conyers.There is no need for this bill -- all crimes are hate crimes -- but beyond that it is an attack on the First Amendment governing freedom of speech and religion.
A hate crime is defined as "an assault against an individual motivated by the attacker's bias against the particular group to which the victim belongs." The use of words alone can be considered a "hate crime" so goodbye to free speech, one of the bedrocks of our Constitution.
Only in brutal totalitarian regimes such as the former Soviet Union and Communist China are people imprisoned and even executed for "thought crimes."
It's important to tell our congressman we want to strengthen our free speech rights, not diminish them. Besides, don't our federal agencies have enough on their hands coping with illegal drugs, illegal immigration, etc. without chasing down words?
Janice Judd
Vice President
Americans for a Moral Nation
Mortimer should state intentions for school
As a 1993 graduate of the University of Hawaii School of Public Health, I am concerned about UH President Kenneth Mortimer's lack of support for this valuable institution. The school is nearly self supporting at present.Institutional support from the state Department of Health can only improve its outlook. All that appears to be lacking is Mortimer's commitment to:
1) allow the school to commence a dean's search and:
2) restore faculty positions that were lost because of retirements over the past five years.
If Mortimer wants to kill the school, he should have the courage to say so. Then, at least, people could do some planning around the void.
Charles Simons
Health will be a priority in next millennium
There are several important reasons for keeping a public health school in Hawaii. First, the unique demographic features of your state provide an outstanding setting for the teaching of public health, both in a broad sense and of epidemiology in particular, with its focus on person, time and place.World-renowned Hawaii-based studies on disease among migrants and their descendants have made important contributions to the understanding of the causes behind the development of both cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Second, history shows that the agenda of public health is changing. The first century of the new millennium will bring new health challenges that require well-educated public health professionals with regional knowledge.
A prudent decision by the UH administration would be to support, and develop, its School of Public Health. Anything else would be a sign of lack of foresight.
Mats Lambe, M.D.
1981 Graduate, UH School of Public Health
Stockholm, Sweden
Via the Internet
UH School of Public Health Library
"This is really about the
native people being subject to
racism and disrespect."Nainoa Thompson
On further development of astronomy
facilities on Mauna Kea"We need to take this work
and make sure it doesn't sit
on a shelf in Washington."Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va.
STUDY COMMISSIONOn the commission's report recommending
federal restrictions on gambling
Gabbard misrepresents religious beliefs
Mike Gabbard's May 31 letter was extremely misleading.
Belief in a Supreme Being does not predetermine certain beliefs about sexual orientation. There are those who believe that heterosexuality and homosexuality are morally and ethically equivalent, and people who believe they aren't.
People who believe each of these things may worship one or more deities, belong to religious traditions that don't worship deities, or may not be religious or religiously observant.
There are many disagreements over what scriptures in different religious traditions say about a lot of things.
Certainly, most Christians currently believe there are passages in the Bible that clearly condemn same-gender sexual behavior. That, however, is a matter of interpretation.
Gabbard strongly implies that the same Supreme Being is responsible for writing "the Bible, Koran, Torah and the Vedas." While there are certainly people who believe that all religions really revere the same God, it is hardly a position held by a "vast majority of people."
Barbara and Christopher Purdom
Interfaith Working Group Coordinators
Philadelphia, Pa.
Andy's epitomized the best of Hawaii
My auntie gave me the worst news possible: Andy's Drive-Inn has closed down. I've been visiting the islands for almost 30 years, but only discovered Andy's back in April 1987.My visits always went like this: The minute I got off the plane, I'd call the family, let them know I got here, headed up Pali Highway to Waimanalo for a dip in the ocean and then on to Andy's for the usual -- a teriyaki chicken sandwich with a side of steamed rice.
My family always said, "What do you like about Andy's so much?" Well, to me, relaxing on that shady patio, eating the best food on the island, made me realize that I was in paradise.
I will still visit my family and enjoy the beauty of the islands, but it won't be the same without Andy's. I'll cherish my 35th anniversary souvenir cup from the drive-in. It's a reminder of how much the simple things in life mean the most.
Bill Consolo
El Segundo, Calif.
Public needs reminder next election season
How would your newspaper like to accomplish the following good things with just a minimum of effort on your part?
Increase your circulation.
Increase the number of registered and actual voters.
Boost the sagging political morale of residents.
All the Star-Bulletin has to do is give us your solemn pledge that, prior to the next election, you will publish the voting records of our current senators with respect to Attorney General Margery Bronster and Budget Director Earl Anzai. On the front page would be nice.
We, the people, will do the rest.
W.R. Laurance
Legislature Directory
Hawaii Revised Statutes
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