Of the Department of Education's 10,000 classrooms, about 1,200 are portables, designed to last 10 to 15 years, like these at Waianae. Photo by Terry Luke, Star-Bulletin

Portables, now 'temporaries,'
may become more permanent

By Burl Burlingame

Technically, they're not "portables" any more. They're now called "temporaries." A more fitting name for a vernacular structure that's designed to last only 10 to 15 years, said state Department of Education facilities manager Lester Chuck.

The modular constructions, introduced in the early 1960s, were designed to provide a degree of flexibility in accommodating variable student populations. "Look at Campbell High, which used to have 30 portables, and needed more, and now they have none, because they're not needed any more," said Chuck.

"If we'd built permanent classrooms at the site, we would have overburdened the school. We can move the classroom space to where it's needed."

Of the department's 10,000 classrooms, about 1,200 are portables. While there are varying designs, they're all essentially built the same way - a wooden half-classroom that can be trucked down a highway and then zipped into a mirror-image twin on site to form a complete classroom.

Things are changing, however. This week, the DOE began accepting bids for designs on a new generation of portables. "Portables made out of steel or composite materials might work better and last longer," said Chuck.

"Also, because of stricter hurricane and disability requirements, we have to pour a footing, rather than supporting it with the old post-and-tier arrangement. This means the building is likely to stay in one place longer, although it still isn't built to last. Temporaries, rather than portables."

The DOE is accepting bids for designs on a new generation of portables.

Can you help?

Call Hazel Sumile or Naidah Gamurot at the school, 696-4244, or the Star-Bulletin at 525-8669 if you can provide thermometers, washing machine boxes or a cool suggestion. And stay tuned. As the project proceeds, we'll bring you updates.

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