Abercrombie, Hirono vote against bailout bill


POSTED: Monday, September 29, 2008

Hawaii’s two Democratic representatives in the U.S. House voted no on the proposed $700 billion bailout of the country’s ailing financial industry.

  The vote was 205 for the plan and 228 against.  Neil Abercrombie and Mazie Hirono were among 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans who voted against the plan.

After the vote this morning, Abercrombie  called it a bailout that “relied on public funds to save Wall Street from its own greed and bad decisions.”

“Over the last five days, nearly 1,500 people called, faxed or e-mailed my office. Eleven of those expressed support for the bailout plan,” Abercrombie said in describing why he voted against the plan.

“My constituents and I reached the same conclusion: We need to put the mortgage holders and the taxpayers first,” Abercrombie said.