Teach 'quiet' command to halt dog's barks
POSTED: Thursday, April 29, 2010
Question: How do I train my dog to stop barking excessively?
Answer: Best not to holler or scold him as it rewards him with negative attention. Instead, teach him a “;quiet”; command. When he barks, say “;quiet”; and interrupt his barking by shaking a can filled with pennies or throw a toy towards him. He'll stop barking momentarily. While he's quiet, say “;good quiet”; and offer him a treat. The toy or noise making isn't meant to punish; rather to startle him into silence so you can quickly reward him.
The Hawaiian Humane Society welcomes questions by e-mail at hhs@hawaiianhumane.org. Indicate “;Pet Ohana”; in the subject line. Or, write “;Pet Ohana,”; Hawaiian Humane Society, 2700 Waialae Ave., Honolulu 96826.