KITV plans an expansion of weekend news report


POSTED: Friday, March 26, 2010

KITV is angling to grab eyeballs and viewer loyalty Saturdays by adding a half-hour newscast at 6 p.m. starting May 1.

The Pamela Young-anchored broadcast will follow “;KITV4 News”; at 5 p.m. and “;ABC World News”; at 5:30, for a 90-minute news block.

The decision reflects the rising trend of KITV's weekend news ratings. The latest Nielsen survey shows its 5 p.m. Saturday news rose to a six rating, 17 share, from a three rating, seven share last November; while the Sunday show rose to a five rating, 15 share from a four rating, nine share. A rating is a percentage of all Hawaii TV households, and share is the percentage of people watching TV at that time who are tuned to a particular show.

“;There is certainly enough audience watching television on Saturday night,”; said Mike Rosenberg, president and general manager. “;Now what we have to do is bring some of those people back to local broadcast from cable by offering a compelling product.”;

KHON has long been the only local news to air at 6 p.m., making the decision to compete “;almost a no-brainer,”; Rosenberg said.

;  “;We are going to have more staff to better cover the news that happens 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”;

Meanwhile, KITV is preparing to welcome Kauai-born, award-winning anchor and reporter Lara Yamada back home, as reported here in January. She starts April 19 and will debut on set April 26 as Paula Akana's co-anchor.


Perry really is on the left

KSSK-FM 92.3/AM 590 morning show personality Michael W. Perry sounds different because of his eye.

A shadow gradually crept into and blocked the vision in his right eye during the show March 15. Dr. John Drouilhet diagnosed a detached retina and sent him immediately to the Queen's Medical Center for a scary-sounding but vision-saving procedure that recalls the childhood pledge, “;Cross your heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye ...”;

“;They stick a needle in your eye,”; Perry exclaimed.

Simple aging can cause detachment, as retinas are “;the consistency of wet Kleenex,”; he was told.

He is required to lie on his left side, “;so Perry truly is on the left”; as he broadcasts from home. Perry's wife, Vickie, is his interim producer and is a registered nurse; “;Poor Mrs. Perry,”; he said.

Being out of commission has kept the Perrys grounded as his broadcast partner Larry Price, colleagues and contest winners have flown to Las Vegas for the show and for fun.

A cardboard cutout of Perry was to be rigged by director of engineering Dale Machado to make it seem as if his voice — emanating from his Kailua studio — is coming out of the ersatz Perry on the left. Perry expects to be back in the real studio next week.


Erika Engle is a reporter with the Star-Bulletin. Reach her by e-mail at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).