Kapolei overcomes 5 errors to beat Mililani in OIA Red West
POSTED: Sunday, March 14, 2010
Michael Filio had two hits and held Mililani scoreless for four innings to help Kapolei over Mililani in an OIA Red West battle.
The Trojans solved Filio in the fifth when Andrew Benitez hit a grand slam but Brandon Damas came on to put out the fire in the close game.
Wada Taoka took the loss for Mililani, giving up the telling run in the bottom of the seventh.
Mililani | 000 | 004 | 10 | — | 5 | 5 | 2 |
Kapolei | 000 | 220 | 11 | — | 6 | 11 | 5 |
Micah Kitaoka, Mikey Asamura (5), Wada Taoka (7) and Kacey Miyasato. Michael Filio, Mycah Kincaid (6), Brandon Damas (7) and William Leskovec. W—Damas. L—Taoka.
Leading hitters—Mil: Andrew Benitez GS, 4RBIs. Kapo: Filio 2-5, 2b, RBI; Cody Kamei 2b, RBI; William Leskovec 2-4, Matthew Moses 2-4, 2R.
Roosevelt 5, Kaiser 3
Roosevelt | 203 | 000 | 0 | — | 5 | 9 | 2 |
Kaiser | 000 | 012 | 0 | — | 3 | 8 | 4 |
Randen Manuab, Billy Kamau (6) and Cameron Fuchigami. Kaipo Oamilda-Scholtz, Royce Kurimoto (4), Shane Tsutahara (6), Makana Lyman. W—Manuab. L—Oamilda-Scholtz. S-Kamau.
Leading hitters—Roos: Leighton Kahooilihala 3-3, 2B, 3 RBIs; Drayson Ito 2-4; Kamau 1-2, 2 runs. Kais: Tsutahara 2-3, RBI; Kurimoto, 2-4.
Moanalua 12, Kalaheo 1
Moanalua | 133 | 302 | x | — | 12 | 11 | 0 |
Kalaheo | 100 | 000 | x | — | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Regan Lum, Zach Manago (3), Dae Yanz Kim (4), Bryson Yasui (6) and Brandon Kong, Austin Inabata (5). Joe Whiting, Ben Scholfield (3), Chris Palmer (5) and Justin Pagan. W—Lum. L—Whiting.
Leading hitters—Moan: Ryan Cortez 2-3; Bronson Shim 2b, 3R; Lum 2b, 3b, 2RBIs, 2R; Evan Horio 2-2; Tim Arakawa 2R. Kalh: none.
Moanalua 12, Kalaheo 1
Kahuku 5, Waialua 4, 10 innings
Waialua | 000 | 021 | 100 | 0 | — | 4 | 7 | 3 |
Kahuku | 201 | 100 | 000 | 1 | — | 5 | 8 | 0 |
Justin Tantog, Chris Whittaker (7) and Whittaker, D. Whittaker. Iukini Hughes, Joe Nozawa (7) and Samson Mamizuka. W—Hughes. L—Tantog.
Leading hitters—Waial: M. Guigui 3-5, 2R; Tantog 2-5, HR; K. Rivera-Albeso 2-5. Kah: Mike Sabido 2-5, HR; Nozawa 2-5, HR; Marcus Mutao 2-5, 3b; Mamizuka 2R.
Waipahu 29, McKinley 13
Waialua 4, Kaiser 2
Kaiser | 000 | 100 | 1 | — | 2 | 71 | |
Waialua | 020 | 200 | x | — | 4 | 8 9 |
Shaydon Atela-Moku, Shawna Mook (2) Atela-Moku (5) and Sadie Karratti-Abordo. Karina Bayudan and Jessica Temblor. W—Bayudan. L—Atela-Moku.
Leading hitters—Kais: Mele Adams 2-4; Jadie Karratti-Abordo 2-4; S. Karratti-Abordo 1-3, HR. Waial: Alyssiah Hernandez 2-4, 3B; Bayudan 2-3; Micahela Chalker RBI.
Radford 12, Kaimuki 3
Kaimuki | 020 | 010 | 0 | — | 3 | 4 | 3 |
Radford | 514 | 200 | x | — | 12 | 12 | 3 |
Pono Ayers, Eddie Char (5) and Char, Ayers (5). Rylee Moore, JB Fontenot (3), Dustin Phelps (6) and Troy Evans. W—Moore. L—Ayers.
Leading hitters—Kaim: Chevas Takasaki 2b. Rad: Bobby Wolshlager 2b, 2 runs; JJ Tenorio 2-4, 3b, 3 runs; Jay Mafnas 2-4, 2 RBIs; Jobi Fontenot 2-2, 2b, 3b, 3 runs; Zach Lagier 2-3, 2 runs; Evans 2-3, 2b, 2 RBIs.
'Iolani 10, Saint Louis 8
Saint Louis | 000 | 202 | 4 | — | 8 | 7 | 0 |
'Iolani | 010 | 414 | X | — | 10 | 12 | 1 |
Kalei Contrdes, Kekona Mauricio (5), Tre Haliburton-Goeas (6) and Dallas Correa. Michael Diebold, Jarrett Arakawa (6) and Tiras Koon. W—Diebold. L—Contrades.
Leading hitters—StL: Contrades 2-4, 2B, HR, 2 runs; Moses Samia 1-3, HR, 3 RBIs. 'Iol: Park 3-3, 3B, 3 runs; Koon 3-3, 2B, HR, 3 RBIs; Arakawa 1-4, HR, 2 RBIs; Odo: 1-3, 2B, 2 RBIs.
Roosevelt 10, Kaimuki 0, 5 inn.
Kaimuki | 000 | 00 | — | 0 | 1 | 2 | |
Roosevelt | 020 | 35 | — | 10 | 9 | 1 |
Ehlen Awela and Nikki Morihara. Lianna Bagarin and Lindsay Takekawa. W—Bargarin. L—Awlea.
Leading hitters—Kaim: A. Paloga 1-3. Roos: Takekawa 2-3 2b; Leani Berinobis 2-3; Kamalei Titoy 2-3; Bagarin 1-2 3b.
Kalaheo 7, Radford 6
Radford | 021 | 030 | 0 | — | 6 | NA | NA |
Kalaheo | 140 | 200 | X | — | 7 | NA | NA |
Amanda Nicholas, Erin Larrant (2) and Ilona Peterson. Sarah Fitzherbert, Teone Farley-Mahoe (6) and Tiffany Harada. W—Fitzherbert. L—Nicholas.
Leading hitters—Rad: Samantha Poe 2-5, 2b; Brayanne Moe 2-4, 2 2b. Kalh: Farley-Mahoe 2-4, 3b; Harada 2-4; Noe Maglinti 1-3; Shanez Lolo-Berieto 1-2; Kawai Almeida 1-4; Fitzherbert 1-4.
Waianae 001 223 3— | 11 | 10 | 1 |
Pearl City 000 001 0— | 1 | 5 | 7 |
Keopuhiwa, W and Keomalu, K. Rodriguez, S, Ahlo, C (5) and Walker T. W—Keopuhiwa. L—Rodriguez.
Leading hitters—Wain: Savini 2-5, 2 runs; Naiwi 2-5. PC: Ahlo 2-3
Mid-Pacific 6, Pac-Five 0
Pac-Five | 000 | 000 | 0 | — | 0 | 3 | 1 |
Mid-Pacific | 221 | 100 | 0 | — | 6 | 12 | 1 |
Sheridan Mahelona and Cassie Koja. Keiki Carlos and Kaydi Kochi. W—Carlos. L—Mahelona.
Leading hitters—MPI: Kristen Yama 2-4, run; Kaydi Kochi 2-4, RBI; Courtney Nino HR.