Apartment fire ousts 18 tenants
POSTED: Saturday, February 27, 2010
Honolulu police were investigating an intentionally set fire that forced the evacuation of 18 tenants yesterday from a two-story apartment complex in McCully.
Honolulu Fire Department spokesman Capt. Terry Seelig said the fire started on the second floor, but declined to say in what apartment or what kind of device was used to start it.
No one was hurt in the fire at 760 Hauoli St., and the fire was under control 27 minutes after it was reported at 3:40 a.m.
Edwin Widell said his family of nine was awakened during the fire outside their second-story apartment unit and had no time to gather any belongings.
“;It was coming in fast. Everybody was yelling from the ground, 'Get out. The fire is on the ceiling. The roof going come down,'”; Widell said.
HFD said the fire at an apartment building in McCully was intentionally set.
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A fire destroyed two of the four apartment units and caused an estimated $600,000 in total damage to the structure and contents.
Widell, whose family lived on the second floor, said his wife woke up and saw a bright light outside their window.
He said they saw that their neighbor's wall was on fire. The blaze then came through the louvers and spread to a wall, their curtains and into their unit.
He said family members lost much of their belongings, including their clothes, television and two laptop computers.
Widell said he was happy that everyone was physically OK, but he was still trying to sort out how his family would survive the financial losses.
He said he works as a van driver for Catholic Charities and lives with his wife, three sons, a daughter-in-law and two infants.
“;My mind is thinking, 'What am I going to do now?'”; he said.
The Red Cross was assisting families.