ALTRES, Kaiser join in health plans


POSTED: Tuesday, February 02, 2010

ALTRES and Kaiser Permanente Hawaii has launched employer group health plans now available through an ALTRES human resources unit.

Smart Choice consists of two Kaiser plans available only through simplicityHR by ALTRES, with rates starting at $169 a month for qualified employer groups.

The plans are designed to help employers control bottom-line costs while providing health care, the companies said yesterday.

The plans feature preventive care, lab and X-ray services, hospital care, emergency services and maternity care.

The simplicityHR service offers bundled services for payroll administration, workers' compensation coverage, health care plans and employee benefits, plus legal compliance and human resources support.

“;It's a perfect pairing of company strengths,”; said Barron Guss, president and chief executive officer of ALTRES.

Both plans also include a $25 reward card for employees who complete an online health assessment. One plan also has an annual allowance to see community doctors outside of the Kaiser Permanente system.