Honolulu Police seeking recruits
POSTED: Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Honolulu Police Department announced yesterday that openings are available for full-time police recruits.
A recruit earns $4,028 a month.
Only online applications will be accepted by 11:59 p.m. Friday.
A written test will be given March 13 in Honolulu on observation and memory, written communication/report writing, reading and understanding written information, and reasoning/analytical ability.
Minimum qualifications: 20 years of age; high school graduate; valid driver's license; U.S. citizenship, national or permanent resident alien of the United States; or noncitizen eligible under federal law.
Candidates must pass a physical fitness test, including an agility run, a bench press of 68 percent of body weight, a 300-meter run in 82.8 seconds and a 1.5-mile run in 21 minutes.
To apply, go to www.honolulu.gov/hr.