Welcome to the neighborhood: Kuliouou-Kalani Iki
POSTED: Sunday, October 18, 2009
The residential area of the city east of Diamond Head is a very desirable, comfortable neighborhood that consists primarily of single-family homes.
Schools, churches and neighborly shopping centers (Aina Haina and Niu Valley) help to make for conveniences for residents. Also, the Kahala Mall area and the shopping areas of Hawaii Kai are readily available, with hardware stores, automotive shops, many restaurants and other conveniences. Homes here are well-maintained, with many well-manicured yards. Residents are proud of their neighborhoods and participate in civic and other volunteer activities to help with strengthening the neighborhoods. Those of us who live here appreciate the special, comfortable nature of this area and we take pride in maintaining a healthy neighborhood.
Aina Haina Shopping Center. The center has been serving residents for many decades with supermarkets, restaurants, novelty shops, barber shops, recreation centers, McDonald's, First Hawaiian Bank, convenience shops and a Union Service Station. In June 2007, American Commercial Equities LLC, a California-based real estate investment firm, bought the center. Residents have been very concerned about any changes that may come.
The board and the Aina Haina Community Association have held meetings with the new owners and monthly updates are given. Through the urging of citizens, the owners have assured the residents that they do not intend to change the character of the complex and are interested in only refurbishing the center. The board and the association will continue to work closely with the new owners to assure that the center serves the needs of the community.
Dangerous intersection. Residents reported that many traffic infractions occurred where Niuiki Circle intersects the makai side of Kalanianaole Highway. Residents feared that a driver's side collision would occur while making a left turn onto the highway. It had been observed that there have been as many as 22 violations per hour of a red light in the U-turn lane. After meeting with, then working with, state Transportation Director Brennon Morioka and his staff, modifications were made that were satisfactory to the residents — and today, the intersection problem has been corrected.
Bus stop modifications. In December 2008 the city made changes to bus stop locations in Aina Haina and modifications to schedules. The changes brought about some dangerous crossings for citizens and elderly bus riders were forced to cross the busy Kalanianaole Highway to get to bus stops.
After hearing from bus riders at a meeting, the board appointed a committee and, working with city transportation chief Wayne Yoshioka and his staff, changes were made to the bus stop locations and schedules that satisfied all.
Proposed Paiko Ridge development. There is an undeveloped Paiko Mountain Ridge on the Koko Head side of Niu Valley. A California organization called Paiko Ridge Partners has advertised plans to develop 339 acres on Paiko Ridge. The land is presently zoned conservation by the Land Use Commission and the land could not be developed unless zone changes are made. The board has passed resolutions opposing this development, which has been advertised as another Hawaii Loa Ridge-type development.
We have not heard of further advertisements or applications to the Land Use Commission to rezone this parcel. Our board will remain vigilant and intends to oppose any efforts to develop this pristine ridge.
Aina Haina slopes. On the eastern Aina Haina mountain slopes beyond the existing residential lots, plans began in July 2008 to establish a residence on land zoned conservation. An architect had been hired to perform studies and impact surveys prior to applying for a permit to the state Department of Land and Natural Resources to build on this land.
The board and the Aina Haina Community Association investigated the matter, and the applicants subsequently discussed the proposal at a regular meeting. Many residents adjacent to the area were concerned that the proposal would likely cause extreme hardship because of falling boulders, extreme flooding and instability of the soils on steep slopes.
The proposal has since been withdrawn. This was an excellent example of having active neighborhood boards, which serve as a forum for affected and interested citizens.
» Kuliouou means “;sounding knee,”; which refers to a drum attached to the knee. » The neighborhood board, active in legislative and City Council affairs, recently voted to oppose a proposed adult residential care home in Aina Haina, and passed motions compelling the city to enforce laws against the illegal establishment of bed-and-breakfast and transient vacation rentals.