Light sidelights on police court scenes


POSTED: Sunday, October 18, 2009

”;Back in the Day,”; appearing every Sunday, takes a look at articles that ran on this date in history in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Hawaii's oldest continuously published daily newspaper. The items appear verbatim, so don't blame us today for yesteryear's bad grammar.

D. Kahale, arrested for having one lottery ticket in his possession Sunday was fined $25 by Judge Monsarrat this morning. Kahale pleaded guilty.


A. Aina, who lives at Kakaako, is under suspended sentence for thirteen months, the charge against him being that he harpooned a dog. Aina is by vocation a fisherman, but he also keeps chickens. Ching Chuck, complainant in the case, keeps a dog. According to evidence Chuck's dog has a craving for eggs, and satisfied it by eating those laid by Aina's hens, until he got the harpoon. Aina's aim is good and he shot his fish spear into the dog's side, causing it to suffer. The dog may die. Aina was charged with cruelty to animals.


One drink of gin from the flask of a friend drove Joe Kuku to jump into the stream near King and River streets. Kuku and the friend were sitting on the wall, and after the drink Kuku plunged into the water. He was fished out and taken to the police station, but as he appeared rational was later dismissed.


Either the mere presence of John Kaluna is fascinating or he plotted willfully with his wife to get free fare to Honolulu from Maui. Court officials have not decided which is the case. Martha Kaluna appeared a few days ago and complained that John had deserted her. He was brought back on a warrant and then appeared before Judge Monsarrat to answer a charge of wife desertion. Martha was present, but instead of prosecuting, she wept over John and they arranged to go back to Maui together. The county paid Kaluna's transportation back here, and since his wife withdrew the charge there is an idea existent that Mrs. Kaluna was merely lonesome and took this method of getting her better half back for a visit without cost.