Volunteers spiff up Waikiki
POSTED: Sunday, August 30, 2009
Eleven Lions Club volunteers were on their knees in Waikiki filling sidewalk cracks with quick-drying cement.
They are part of the Community Sidewalk Patrol, one of two new efforts announced by Mayor Mufi Hannemann in the city's Waikiki beautification program.
The other effort is the replacement of 25 litter containers along Kalakaua and Kuhio avenues with 25 sets of recycling and trash receptacles.
The city Department of Environmental Services purchased the blue and green recycling bins for $25,000 and the Waikiki Business Improvement District Association identified locations for them.
Regarding sidewalk repairs, “;We want to make sure our crown jewel is a safe destination, not just for visitors but residents,”; Hannemann said yesterday at Gateway Park in Waikiki.
He said the city Department of Facilities Maintenance “;is not waiting for accidents to occur”; but is working with Lions Clubs to prevent falls and injuries.
Department Director Jeoffrey Cudiamat said it would take one city worker two days to do what the Lions volunteers do with many hands in one hour.
The City launched a new campaign to be more proactive about fixing damaged sidewalks.
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Kaimuki Lions member Karen Tsukiyama said she's proud to help. “;It's fun.”;
City personnel identify and spray-paint areas needing repairs and follow up with permanent repairs after temporary patching by the Lions.
“;I know this is going to set an example for other groups to come forward,”; Hannemann said.
He said the city expects to have curbside recycling in all neighborhoods in 2010 and he has long wanted a recycling program in Waikiki. He said people in Waikiki frequently ask him about recycling opportunities.
He said he wants to show Waikiki's thousands of visitors “;we are a sustainable city and we are a green city.”;
The Department of Environmental Services designed the lids on the recycling bin with words and graphics that can be more easily understood by people who don't speak English.
The two Waikiki projects were possible because of community assistance, Hannemann said.
Eric Masutomi, Outrigger Enterprises vice president of planning and Waikiki Business Improvement District Association board member, said crews retained by the association from Goodwill Industries to clean out the bins three times a day have found them mostly empty.
“;Members of the community have cleaned them out for us,”; Masutomi said. “;It is a pleasant surprise.”;
The association office even had a call from someone asking permission to take cans from the bins and was told it's okay so long as the lid is replaced, he said.
“;If someone with no money picks up the cans and makes a dollar or two, it's really good,”; said Bob Finley, Waikiki Neighborhood Board chairman.
He said he's happy with any program that helps to keep Waikiki clean.
Hannemann said if the recycling effort is successful, it may be expanded to other parks and city facilities.