Then & now
POSTED: Sunday, August 16, 2009
Then | Now | |
Cost to mail a letter | 4 cents | 44 cents
Population | ||
Married | 58 percent | 52 percent |
Foreign-born population | 68,900 or 11 percent | 216,215 or 17 percent |
Hawaii-born population | 421,168 or 66.6 percent | 695,498 or 54.5 percent |
Total statewide population | 632,772 | 1,288,198 |
Oahu | 500,409 or 79 percent | 905,034 or 70 percent |
Big Island | 61,332 or 10 percent | 175,784 or 14 percent |
Maui County | 42,855 or 6 percent | 143,681 or 11 percent |
Kauai County | 28,176 or 4 percent | 63,689 or 5 percent
Housing | ||
Number of homes | 165,506 | 596,737 |
Persons in a household | 3.9 | 2.9 |
Median value | $20,000 | $272,700 |
Median rent | $72 | $1,114 |
Median household income | $4,710 | $62,613 |
Median family income | $6,366 | $71,784
Education | ||
School enrollment | 179,532 | 311,839 |
University of Hawaii-Manoa enrollment | 6,923 | 20,169
Government | ||
State tax revenue | $171 million | $11.2 billion |
State spending | $161 million | $9.8 billion |
Registered voters | 202,059 | 691,356 |
Turnout among registered voters | 93.1 percent | 66 percent
Travel | ||
Visitor arrivals | 1959 242,994 | 2008 6,822,911 |
Airfare between Honolulu and San Francisco | $266 economy / $338 first class | $377 economy / $1,604 first class |
Flight time between Honolulu and San Francisco | 8 hours, 22 minutes on a DC-7 | 5 hours, 5 minutes on Boeing 737 |

Key dates on Hawaii's path to statehood
» June 14, 1900: Congress passes the Hawaii Organic Act, which creates the governing legislation of the Territory of Hawaii. The act grants citizenship to all citizens of the Republic, with the territorial governor appointed by the president.
» 1903: The Territorial Legislature passes a resolution calling on the U.S. Congress to consider “;an Act enabling the people of this Territory ... (to) adopt a State Constitution”; so as to be “;admitted as a State into the Union.”;
» Feb. 11, 1919: Prince Kuhio, Hawaii's territorial delegate to Congress, introduces the first Hawaiian statehood bill to Congress. It is referred to a committee for further study. During subsequent years, numerous other bills calling for Hawaii statehood are introduced. Prior to 1959, none get congressional approval.
» Sept. 27, 1935: Hawaii's Legislature authorizes the Hawaii Equal Rights Commission to fight political discrimination against Hawaii. It would later be renamed “;The Statehood Commission.”;
» Nov. 5, 1940: A statehood plebiscite required by Congress results in a 2-to-1 vote in favor of statehood—46,174 to 22,426.
» Dec. 7, 1941: The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. The outbreak of World War II interrupts the drive for statehood.
» Nov. 3, 1942: Joseph Farrington, known as “;Statehood Joe,”; is elected as Hawaii's delegate to Congress.
» Dec. 14, 1946: Hawaii is placed on the United Nations' list of “;Non-self-governing Territories.”; This creates an unexpected impediment to statehood.
» 1947: Further Hawaii statehood hearings are held in Washington, D.C. In June, the statehood bill is brought to the House floor and passes 196-133.
» Oct. 1948: Sen. Hugh Butler of Nebraska charges that the ILWU and Democratic Party of Hawaii are infiltrated with treasonous communists.
» May 20, 1949: The Territorial Legislature approves the convening of a Constitutional Convention to write a state constitution.
» Nov. 7, 1950: The Hawaii State Constitution is approved by the people by a vote of 82,788 to 27,109.
» 1952: A combined Hawaii-Alaska statehood bill is sent to the Senate floor against the wishes of the delegates of both territories, who felt both had a better chance of success if Hawaii went first. The bill is sent back to committee on a 45-44 vote.
» 1953: The House passes the Hawaii statehood bill, 274-38, for the third time; however, the Senate postpones action to 1954.
» 1954: The Senate votes 46-43 to join the Hawaii and Alaska bills into one measure. It then passes the combined bill 57-28.
» Feb. 24, 1954: A 250-pound petition containing 120,000 signatures in favor of Hawaii statehood is sent to the U.S. Congress from Hawaii.
» November 1954: With the support of Hawaii's World War II veterans and the labor unions, especially the ILWU, the Democratic Party gains control of the Territorial Legislature for the first time in Hawaii's history.
» Nov. 6, 1956: John A. Burns is elected Hawaii's delegate to Congress as a Democrat.
» 1957 / 1958: Burns agrees to a strategy to admit Alaska in the 85th Congress and hold back Hawaii. The intent is to force the issue with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican from Texas, who is firm for Hawaii statehood but equivocal about Alaska. The Alaska bill passes the House 208-166 and the Senate 64-20. Eisenhower signs the bill.
» Jan. 3, 1959: Alaska becomes the 49th state. With the admission of Alaska (predominantly Democratic), both political parties are willing to admit Hawaii (predominantly Republican at the time) to maintain political balance in Washington, D.C.
» March 11, 1959: The Senate passes Hawaii's statehood Bill, 75-15.
» March 12, 1959: The U.S. House of Representatives passes Hawaii's statehood Bill, 323-89.
» March 18, 1959: The Act to Provide for the Admission of the State of Hawaii is signed by President Eisenhower. Hawaii's Democratic delegate, John Burns, is not invited to the signing ceremony.
» June 27, 1959: A plebiscite is held to allow Hawaii residents to ratify the congressional vote for statehood. Out of 155,000 registered voters throughout the territory, 140,744 ballots are cast. The “;yes for statehood”; garners 94.3 percent (132,773 votes); the “;no”; ballots equal 5.7 percent (7,971 votes).
» Aug. 21, 1959: President Eisenhower makes Hawaii statehood official by signing the proclamation that welcomes Hawaii as the 50th state of the union. He also unveils the new 50-star flag.
» July 4, 1960: The new 50-star flag is flown for the first time throughout the country.