Letters to the editor


POSTED: Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wienermobile battle fries reader

Unreal, man! Bob Loy states that the Wienermobile would “;detract from Hawaii's unique beauty and lower the quality of life for residents”; (”;Outdoor Circle dogs Wienermobile,”; Star-Bulletin, July 24). What unique beauty? Has he seen the terrible homeless problem on the island?

Can't the Outdoor Circle go find bigger hot dogs to fry instead of picking on the Wienermobile? The Wienermobile brought smiles and joy to island keiki especially in these tough times. Christmas has come too early for the Outdoor Circle ... Scrooges.

Susan Viloria


No sympathy for public workers

It's hard to sympathize with the public workers' unions when our state is facing a $744 million shortfall, Hawaii's unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 31 years, and union leaders, many of whom earn more than the governor, refuse to do their part.

These union leaders have done a great disservice to their members by not working out a sensible solution when they had the chance. As a result, they've alienated their members from the tax-paying public.

Many in the private sector know what it's like to have a pay cut, shortened hours or layoffs. Deep down, no one wants to see neighbors, friends or family lose their jobs.

A. K. Carroll


State workers tired of being picked on

Why are the state government workers always the ones to carry the load for the entire state's bad economy? Maybe it's the easiest way for the state to make up for their many years of mishandling funds? Why can't everyone pitch in to help the economy? What's wrong with increasing the excise tax to 5 percent or more (except for food)? At least everyone will be putting in their fair share, and I'm quite sure the majority of people wouldn't mind the increase to help the state.

I truly sympathize and can relate, as I, myself, am a single parent, and one who has dedicated 37 years to the state government. A lot of us are just sick and tired of being picked on.

Susan Yamane


Time to give up anti-rail fight

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This applies to rail foes. The anti-rail squad made their case against rail very loudly in 2008. We all heard their arguments about cost and traffic and how badly they wanted a vote on rail. And guess what? We voted for rail, effectively rejecting those arguments.

But the anti-rail troops keep repeating the same things over and over about cost and traffic, as if we haven't heard all of that before. When will they learn to either say something new or keep quiet?

John Nakagawa


Rail potential high for Oahu residents

I am really glad to see that the Jacob's Report and the Federal Transit Association have given the blessing to proceed with the plan to build Oahu's much-needed rail transit system. In 2008, the majority of Oahu voters had spoken loud and clear to go ahead with the plan.

The potential that rail transit presents is too good for Oahu residents to pass on: thousands of jobs, new federal money that will stimulate the local economy, transit-oriented development that will bring new lift to old communities, and a new transportation system that will help alleviate Oahu's traffic jams. Come on, let's all get with it.

Lei Matsuura





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