Shining Stars
POSTED: Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hilo, Waiakea and Roosevelt High Schools won first, second and third place, respectively, in the school team category of the annual “;Tesoro Hawaii Operation Driver Excellence”; statewide driving competition. Tesoro awarded fuel cards to winners and cash prizes up to $1,000 for the top three teams.
Winners in the individual overall category were: 1st place: Kristopher Fragas, Castle High School; 2nd: Kip Nagata, Hilo High School; 3rd: Chase Bee, Waiakea High School; 4th: Mosiah Manuma, Radford High School; 5th: and Kelton Arakaki, Hilo High School. Best in written test, Kara Lieu, Farrington High School; and best in obstacle course, Kristopher Fragas, Castle High.

The Wahiawa Lions named Cpl. Troy Richards as Police Officer of the Year for the Central District of the Honolulu Police Department; and Zaldy Acosta as Firefighter of the Year for the Wahiawa area of the Honolulu Fire Department. Both also received a Certificate of Merit from City Councilman Donovan Dela Cruz.

Teddi Anderson, president of The Limtiaco Company, was selected as a member of the Air Force Civilian Advisory Council, an independent source of advice on community issues to the Commander Pacific Air Forces.