Letters to the Editor
POSTED: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Don't take HB 444 out of committee
It was disappointing to read about the plans of a few senators to pull House Bill 444 from the Senate Judiciary Committee (Star-Bulletin, March 7). While they might have the numbers to do so, I hope they realize the consequences of such action:
» It invalidates the time and effort of hundreds of testifiers and the time it took for Judiciary Committee members and staff who listened to 18 hours of testimony for and against the bill.
» It mocks the committee process and rationale for having committee members and the chairman hear public input and make decisions based on that input.
» It flies in the face of the democratic process of allowing citizens their voice and feeds the perception of an elitist attitude that legislators know better than the public or their constituents.
I hope they are aware that attention is focused on their actions regarding HB 444 and will determine the public's view of this year's Legislature.
Dennis Arakaki
Interim executive director
Hawaii Family Forum
Perpetuating a gay gene is no mystery
The recent debate on the legalization of civil unions for same-sex couples has spawned arguments against the idea that homosexuality is potentially genetic. A letter to the editor (Star-Bulletin, March 6) states that it is impossible for a homosexual to propagate his or her DNA.
Intuitively, the argument makes sense until one considers the fact that we share 50 percent of our DNA with our siblings. If homosexuals can engage in behaviors that increase the reproductive success of their nearest relatives, they are indirectly increasing the proportion of their own genes in the next generation.
As is with most hereditary-linked traits, the presence of a gay gene does not commit a person to homosexuality, but rather increases the likelihood. This opens up the possibility that there are heterosexual carriers of a gay gene that can pass it on to their offspring. If homosexuality is a trait that some are born with, then why should same-sex civil unions not be considered a civil liberty?
Michael Workman
Leave Kapiolani Park's homeless in peace
I've been going to Queen's Surf Beach since I moved to Hawaii in 1960. I proposed to my wife at the Barefoot Bar at Queen's Surf in 1962. I swim at Queen's Surf almost every day since my retirement in 1989.
I last was panhandled at the beach about three years ago — much less than the panhandling I get through the mail by the Salvation Army and the Lung Association.
I wrote to City Councilman Charles Djou that he should bless and not harass the homeless of Kapiolani Park.
Charles E. Frankel
Whatever happens, it's all his fault
There's a growing hope on the part of leading Republican figures that President Barack Obama will fail in his attempts to bring the country out of the Great Recession.
The question now is what can we do to make that failure a possibility. The answer is not much, but if we all pull together, we can help to bring it about.
To begin with, we need to remember to blame everything bad on the present administration. Foreclosure? It's because not enough federal money was given to the banks holding the mortgages. Job losses? That's because the government is putting so many restrictions on pollution-producing companies, they can't afford to hire any workers. The plunging stock market? That's all the fault of those government-hired economists who keep grousing about all the money deserving CEOs are making.
The main thing is to keep talking. If the president says that the economy is not in good shape, then he's a prophet of gloom, doom and despair. If he says there's light at the end of the tunnel, then he's just whistling in the dark.
And, at the least sign that he might be succeeding, mumble something about socialists in the White House, or even Nazis.
Keep the pressure on!
John A. Broussard
Kamuela, Hawaii
3 easy steps toward a tourist-filled Hawaii
Here's a recipe for saving tourism in Hawaii:
1. Fire the Hawaii Tourism Authority.
2. Offer a $200 discount coupon on plane flights to Hawaii.
3. Have the airlines do our advertising.
Ta da! Tourism in Hawaii is booming again.
(Worth at least trying, eh?)
Carolyn S. Dingus
HTA buckled down to bring Pro Bowl back
Congratulations to the Hawaii Tourism Authority for reaching an agreement with the NFL to bring the Pro Bowl back to Hawaii in 2011 and 2012.
They worked hard over two years to negotiate a contract that would benefit the people of Hawaii, and they made the difficult but correct decision in accepting the NFL's latest offer.
The Pro Bowl has come to symbolize more than just a game for Hawaii's football fans. It is a source of pride for our residents, whether sports enthusiasts or not.
NFL players have become a part of our ohana, lifting up our community and motivating our young people to believe in themselves and pursue their hopes and dreams.
When I met with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell recently, we agreed that the Pro Bowl should return to Hawaii. And I voiced my strong support for the Pro Bowl on behalf of our administration and the people of Hawaii. However, it was HTA that got the deal done.
No one can or should take credit for returning the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. That accomplishment rests solely with HTA.
It is important to note that none of the board members are paid for their service. They serve because of their dedication and commitment to our state, and for that, all the people of Hawaii can be proud.
James R. “;Duke”; Aiona Jr.
Hawaii lieutenant governor
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