Shining Stars
POSTED: Monday, March 02, 2009
Grant helps housing program
Catholic Charities Hawaii received a $50,000 grant from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to operate its Ma'ili Land Transitional Housing Program. The program provides housing, case management, education and employment training to help families obtain affordable housing and become self-sufficient. In 2008 the program served 285 individuals, of whom approximately 68 percent were of Hawaiian ancestry.

Gina McGuire, 13, has been recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for her part in raising awareness of the harmful effects of debris on the marine environment. The eighth-grader from the Kamehameha Schools decorated a ceramic sea turtle in “;It's a Honu World,”; an art exhibit benefiting the Big Island community. Her hand-painted turtle was auctioned off for $400, and she also raised $475 through her Gina McGuire Hero Fund. The money was donated to the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation's Marine Debris Campaign.

American Savings Bank held its monthly “;First Saturday”; community collection program on Feb. 7 to gather almost-new prom, formal and semiformal dresses for the Domestic Violence Action Center. The donations supported the center's annual “;Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”; dress sale, from which proceeds will benefit the center and its programs.

The Keomailani Hanapi Foundation received $35,000 from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and $10,000 from the Richard Smart Fund through the Hawaii Community Foundation. The Smart funds will be used for an “;Arts Market Study Tour”; in preparation for KHF's first Hoea Market in October in Waimea on the Big Island. KHF also received a federal grant from the Administration for Native Americans for 2008 through 2011 for a native Hawaiian art education pilot project.