House bills back more doctors, agriculture


POSTED: Thursday, January 29, 2009

The 45 Democrats in the state House are supporting bills to help ease the state doctor shortage, streamline communications and also boost state agriculture.

Several of the bills are similar to ones proposed by Gov. Linda Lingle, including creating a communications commissioner who would take communications regulation out of the hands of the Public Utilities Commission.

Rep. Blake Oshiro (D, Aiea-Halawa) warned, however, that the “;House's mandate and main objective is to pass a balanced budget.”;

Some of the other proposals would shift a portion of any projected budget increases in general fund money to the rainy day fund, and another measure would set up the needed laws to start an ignition interlock program to curb drunken driving.

The House Democrats are also proposing a bill to require that old portable public school buildings be replaced.