Smokers get counseling in luxury at resort stay


POSTED: Sunday, November 30, 2008

For those who have tried everything to quit smoking with no success, the American Lung Association of Hawaii offers pricey, but luxurious, counseling.

The Breathe Weekend will be held April 3-5 at the Ihilani Resort. Between sessions, participants will enjoy spa treatments and other amenities available at the luxury resort.

Participants are asked to pledge $3,600, which covers materials, the weekend stay, all meals and spa treatments. Funds raised will support the association's programs, national research and advocacy.

People who smoke a pack a day are spending much more than that on cigarettes and health-related costs, points out ALAH's Beth-Ann Kozlovich.

For $3,600, she said, “;They can walk away with something that is going to be life-changing for them, we hope, not just to raise funds for ALAH.

This goes beyond raising money to have a fun experience, with a serious purpose in mind to get off this path into something far more healthy.”;

It's also an opportunity for participants to build a support network of people who want to help them live a healthier life, she said.

The weekend stay can be given to someone as a “;meaningful, life-changing holiday gift for a loved one who wants to quit,”; she said. “;The fee itself is intended to be part of the quitting experience - a financial commitment large enough to motivate participants to approach quitting differently.”;

For more information, see or call Kozlovich at 537-5966.