Q&A: If you could go anywhere in the world on a mission, where would it be and why?
POSTED: Monday, November 24, 2008

Kalei Hosaka
Kalei Hosaka
“;I would go to a poverty-stricken country because Matthew 25:40 says, 'Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'”;

Carissa Kano
Carissa Kano
“;Uganda because of their situation with child soldiers and poverty. While it would be really awesome to go on a mission trip, I believe it's important to serve God in Hawaii. My mission is to be a friend to everyone at school.”;

Chad Nakaoka
Chad Nakaoka
“;I would go to a communist country such as China or North Korea because these countries have banned Christianity. I want to share the gospel with people in countries who don't have the same opportunities.”;

Jaryn Lau
Jaryn Lau
“;I would go anywhere God sends me, but Ethiopia is on my heart because their country has be ravaged by AIDS and there is a huge amount of homeless children. Also, from my past experiences, I've enjoyed working with children, and they are the motivation in my life.”;

Caleb Gaskins
Caleb Gaskins
“;I would like to go to Malawi because my mom and sister went there and said it was a good experience. Also, I already started raising money to buy water for the citizens there.”;

Christian Lui
Christian Lui
“;I would go to Africa because of the AIDS epidemic, and that's where they need help. I'll go wherever I'm needed.”;

Laurie Uehara
Laurie Uehara
“;I would go to Thailand because for the past four years I have gone. Also, I have built bonds there, and the children come running up to you. It's like they are my extended family.”;