Health care association receives $10,000


POSTED: Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kaiser Permanente Hawaii gave $10,000 to support the Hawaii Primary Care Association's Annual Education Conference and Quality Summit.

The nonprofit HPCA provides primary health care - basic medical, dental and behavioral health, and health education services - for low-income families, native Hawaiians, immigrants, homeless people and those without health insurance.

MA'O Organic Farms and Downtown, a restaurant at the Hawaii State Art museum, raised $37,752 for 27 full-tuition scholarships for Waianae youth attending Leeward Community College this year.

The recipients are also members of the Youth Leadership Training College Internship Program at MA'O.

They are Jonathan Abell, Kainoa Aila, Kiane Aila, Chelsea Albios, Dino Berengue, Albryan Cambra, Jenyssa Fung, Kealohi Hokoana, Noheaikamalanai Inciong, Shea-lah Kama, Kylie Kanui, Roylyn Kaululaau, Stanya La'a, Makana Lopez, Manny Miles, Derrik Parker, Maile Perreira, Anson Popa, Mandy Quitog, Krystal Rubin, Ku'uleilani Samson, Cheryse Sana, Chuco Sotero, Hilda Taulava, Nadene Tokio, Lynze Wakinekona and Puanaupaka Williams.


”;Shining Stars”; runs Monday through Thursday.