Halloween attire awaits you at DHT


POSTED: Thursday, October 16, 2008

Arrgh! Pirates and wenches fill the streets every Halloween, but those who dare to be different might head to Diamond Head Theatre, which opens its costume shop for Halloween rentals on Monday.

While they'll help revelers transform into sheiks, nurses, Southern belles, cowboys and cowgirls, Statue of Liberty, mermaid, animals, and more, simple are we.

“;Men always go for pirates, or Roman soldiers, gladiators and Vikings. That way, they can be masculine and don't have to wear tights,”; said costumer Karen Rent a costume, who runs the shop.

“;Women always want to be goddesses, wenches or Moulin Rouge cancan girls.”;

Wolfe suggests that would-be pirates and wenches call as early as possible for the best selection. “;It's always the people who come in late who are the pickiest, then they wonder why their size is not available or why it's only available in blue.”;

Costume rentals are $25 to $80, with fees calculated per day. Each rental requires a deposit of double the rental fee. You must be an adult to sign the rental contract and a photo I.D. is required. There is a fee for cancellations.

The DHT Costume Shop will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays from Monday to Nov. 1. Call 733-0277, ext. 2.