Resealable bags cut down odor of dog poop in bin


POSTED: Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Question: Now that a lot of us homeowners will start to have trash collection only once a week, we may be faced with a smelly problem, especially if we have dogs. How do you dispose of the dog poop without having your trash can smelling and attracting flies? Remember, the poop will have to sit in the rubbish bin for one week before it's picked up. I tried deodorizing sprays, double-bagging the poop, washing out the trash can with Pine-O, all to no avail. Can we throw the poop bags in with the green waste or the recyclables?

Answer: First of all, you should “;absolutely not”; toss any animal waste inside the green waste or blue recyclable bins, said Markus Owens, spokesman for the city Department of Environmental Services.

“;Some people think since cow manure is used as a fertilizer that dog waste can be used in the same way,”; he said. “;This is untrue. Dog feces is toxic to your lawn and is a major problem with storm runoff, which eventually heads to our waterways untreated.”;

It's been reported that one gram of dog feces can contain more than 23 million bacteria, which can be spread to pets and humans.

Owners should pick up dog feces with a newspaper or paper towel, then place it in a plastic and/or resealable bag where flies cannot get to it, Owens said.

He noted there are biodegradable pet waste containers now on the market. He said he's even heard of people using kitty litter when bagging the dog poop to help cut the smell.

Q: I have a question about the practicality of the large green rubbish carts they recently gave our neighborhood. Pickup will start in November. I have a once-a-month yard service. This month there are four large black bags, plus tree branches. All of this won't fit in a green rubbish cart. Will they do a normal green waste pickup with the black bags in October? In the future, will there be no bulk pickup of green waste? The green cart will not handle the rubbish that comes from a large or even normal-sized yard.

A: Since the green cart pickup for your neighborhood doesn't start until November, you can continue to bag your yard cuttings this month.

There will be a two-month transition period - November and December - where there will be twice-a-week regular rubbish pickup and once every two weeks, alternating, either green or blue cart pickup, said Markus Owens, spokesman for the city Department of Environmental Services.

“;Once January arrives, (regular) rubbish will be picked up only once a week,”; he said.

Once the green cart pickup begins, you should not bag your green waste, he said. There no longer will be “;bulky green waste”; pickup.

Residents can request up to two additional green carts, at no charge, but they have to prove a need and be subject to inspection and monitoring.

Call the city Recycling Office at 768-3200 for more information.

If extra green bins are still not enough, you may just have to split the cuttings between your twice-a-month pickup.

You can find more information online at